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Costs soar for farmers under Biden-Harris administration

The international market for U.S.-grown food has slowed almost to a crawl without new trade agreements under the current administration, the industry says.

Agriculturedpa/picture-alliance / Cordon Press

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Farmers are facing hardships due to inflation and poor economic policy under the Biden-Harris administration. One of the main problems facing the sector is rising costs.

"Within the agriculture sector, we're in a recession right now. We've seen a lot of job losses. We're seeing negative balance sheets. It's become very challenging," Brent Johnson, a farmer and president of the Iowa Farm Bureau, said in a conversation with Fox News.

Johnson explained that, meanwhile, the international market for U.S.-grown food has slowed almost to a crawl without new trade agreements under the current administration.

In that regard, John Boyd, a Virginia farmer and founder of the National Black Farmers Association of Virginia, noted that producers are paying $5 per gallon for diesel, whereas five years ago it probably cost about $2 per gallon.

"It doesn’t take somebody with a PhD to figure out that the math isn’t working and that we've got to do something to offset what’s been going on," Boyd stressed.

Similarly, Boyd insisted that the administration under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris has not made great efforts to support farmers. While the current situation has been underway, the agricultural sector has seen less and less people working in the fields.

Fox News indicated that "in 2023 alone about 6,000 farms closed, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture."

But farmers are not the only ones affected by the economic situation. Many Americans have watched as the price of food has been rising in recent years, more so since Joe Biden began his term in office, something that has led them to drop to even one plate of food a day. It is of the many harmful consequences derived from the president's economic management.

According to a study prepared by Intuit Credit Karma, 27% of Americans acknowledged having had to sacrifice some of their daily meals on some occasions due to the increase in the price of groceries. Virtually the same proportion (26%) said they have had to turn to unhealthy food because it is cheaper.
