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U.S. urges citizens to leave Haiti immediately due to "current security situation"

The Embassy suggested taking precautions, keeping an eye on the news and only going out when it is considered safe.

Puerto Príncipe (Haití)

(Wikimedia Commons)

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The U.S. Embassy in Haiti shared a statement urging U.S. citizens to leave the Caribbean country "as soon as possible" by either commercial or private transportation.

"Given the current security situation and infrastructure challenges, U.S. citizens in Haiti should depart Haiti as soon as possible," the security alert shared on Wednesday said.

The embassy explained that several companies currently offer flights from the international airports of Port-au-Prince and Cap-Haitien. However, they cautioned that the number of seats may be limited and that flights fill up quickly, so they suggested booking in advance. They also reminded U.S. citizens to keep an eye on local news and go out only when it is considered safe.

"Avoid demonstrations and large gatherings of people; If you encounter a roadblock, turn around and get to a safe area; Make and practice contingency plans for sheltering in place and/or accessing airports; and review the guidance on travel to high-risk areas," the embassy said.

The State Department had already issued a "do not travel" advisory for Haiti in July because of the risks of kidnappings. Since then, the situation in the Caribbean country has continued to worsen to the point of being on the verge of military intervention. In fact, the United States has been one of the countries to back a plan to implement a multinational force to help control gang violence.

Although Haiti has suffered from a serious economic, political and security crisis for years, the situation worsened when President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated in 2021, leaving a power vacuum exploited by criminal groups.

The UN estimates that from the beginning of this year until mid-August, at least 2,439 people have already died, another 902 were injured and 951 were abducted.
