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46% of electric vehicle owners want to go back to combustion cars

Poor public charging infrastructure and high maintenance costs are among the top reasons for nearly half of Americans.


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Nearly half of Americans who own an electric vehicle (E.V.) said they will stop using these models and go back to driving an internal combustion vehicle (ICE), according to a report recently published by the consulting firm McKinsey & Company.

Specifically, 46% reflected this, a record well above the average (29%) of the opinion of citizens in nine countries surveyed (Australia, United States, Brazil, China, Germany, Norway, France, Italy and Japan). Only Australians (49%) reject E.V.s more than Americans.

The reasons motivating Americans to permanently abandon their electric vehicle and only drive an internal combustion model range from poor on-street charging infrastructure (35%, being the strongest reason) to driving experience (13%, being the least-cited reason).

Other reasons are high maintenance cost (34%), driving patterns on long-distance trips are too affected (32%), the impossibility of being able to charge the vehicle at their residence (24%), having to worry about charging is too stressful (21%) and changes in mobility needs (16%).

This study reflects, once again, Americans' dissatisfaction with electric vehicles, models that Joe Biden wants to dominate the vehicle fleet in the coming years.

Through different measures, the president aims for electric vehicles to represent 67% of the nation’s fleet by 2032 and 100% by 2040. The purpose is to reduce the emission of polluting gases and protect public health.
