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Maduro toughens repression and persecution in view of the call for demonstrations by the opposition

Just hours before the opposition returns to the streets, the party of leader María Corina Machado denounced that the lawyer and spokesperson of her campaign command, Perkins Rocha, was kidnapped by unidentified men.

Demonstration in favor of the Venezuelan opposition this July 30.AFP

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The regime of Nicolás Maduro intensifies repression and persecution in response to the call for a demonstration by opposition leader, María Corina Machado, for this Wednesday not only in Venezuela but also in several cities around the world.

Just hours before the opposition returns to the streets, the Vente Venezuela party (the only center-right party in the country and led by Machado) denounced that the lawyer and spokesperson of her campaign command, Perkins Rocha, was kidnapped by unidentified men.

"We denounce and alert the world: The regime kidnapped Perkins Rocha, legal advisor of Comando Con Venezuela and member of our political party. Unidentified subjects took him by force. We demand information and his immediate release," wrote the political organization from its account on the social network X.

Rocha's detainment took place on the same day in which non-governmental organizations denounced that at least 98 detainees in the post-election context were transferred to the Tocuyito prison, considered the second most dangerous prison in the country until its closure in 2023.

"Relatives of detainees transferred to the Tocuyito 'Hombre Nuevo' prison denounce that officials of the GNB and the Ministry of Penitentiary Services do not allow the delivery of household goods and food to those deprived of liberty," Provea wrote on its X account.

María Corina Machado has denounced that among the 1,674 political prisoners registered in Venezuela, more than 150 are minors. She argued that this is State terrorism.

"More than 150 children in prison. Of course, the practices of the regime, which the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has qualified as State terrorism, seek to generate terror in the population," said Machado.

Meanwhile, Nicolás Maduro closes ranks. This Tuesday he announced changes in his cabinet. Among the appointments one of the most outstanding was that of Diosdado Cabello - considered as the number two of chavismo - as Minister of Interior, Justice and Peace and the ratification of Vladimir Padrino López as Minister of Defense.

"Diosdado brings luck, he knows a lot about peace, he knows a lot about justice," Maduro said.

In addition, Maduro detailed that his vice-president, Delcy Rodríguez, will assume simultaneously to her functions the strategic position of Ministry of Petroleum.
