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Venezuela: María Corina Machado's campaign team denounces the assault on its headquarters by armed men

The attack on the opposition party takes place in the context of protests in the streets of Venezuela against the Government, in which at least 19 people have died since last Sunday’s election.

Un manifestante patea una lata de gas lacrimógeno durante una protesta contra la dictadura de Nicolás Maduro

Demonstrations in VenezuelaYuri Cortez / AFP.

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The political party of Venezuelan opposition Maria Corina Machado denounced this Friday that its headquarters was attacked by armed men. Vente Venezuela reported the facts through social networks and attached some images of the state of the headquarters, which was vandalized. 

According to the opposition party, which disputes the results of the July 28 elections, a group of six unidentified armed men entered the headquarters in the early hours of the morning. The building, known as "El Bejucal", is located in the Altamira area of Caracas.

According to Vente Venezuela, the headquarters was guarded by security guards, who were "overpowered" by the armed assailants. These assailants then proceeded to vandalize the headquarters, causing damage to the structure and taking computer equipment. According to Vente Venezuela, María Corina Machado’s private office was also targeted. 

The political party denounced "the attack and insecurity to which we are subjected for political reasons and we alert the world about the protection of our members.” This attack against the headquarters takes place in a context of high tension in Venezuela after Maduro and the electoral authorities that are close to him announced their victory with 51% in the last elections. 

The Venezuelan opposition denounced the falsity of the results announced by the chavista authorities and called for a wave of demonstrations against the Maduro regime that have been occupying the streets since last Monday. Part of the international community and electoral oversight organizations have asked the regime for transparency and to review the results. 

71 minors arrested in the demonstrations

In these episodes of street violence, in which the authorities harshly repress the demonstrators, a high number of minors are said to have been detained. According to the NGO Foro Penal, which offers voluntary legal assistance to political opponents, more than 71 adolescents have been imprisoned since last Sunday’s election.

The director of the NGO, Alfredo Romero, offered some statements that he uploaded to social networks on their behalf. Foro Penal assures that it will work to visit the detention centers where these minors are incarcerated to watch over their condition and offer them assistance. 

19 fatalities in protests

Likewise, the NGO Provea gives a count of at least 19 deaths in the demonstrations against Maduro's government. These deaths are said to have occurred between Sunday, July 28 and the night of Thursday, August 1.

According to Provea, many of these deaths have occurred at the hands of the so-called "colectivos", groups of armed civilians payed by Maduro's regime that are being used to repress the demonstrations, regardless of the actions of law enforcement agencies. 
