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Spain: a male prisoner who identifies as a woman impregnated an inmate when transferred to a women's prison

He is a repeat offender who had already served several previous sentences, all of them as a man.

Men's and women's restroom signs.

(Pexels- Tim Mossholder)

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A prisoner serving a sentence in a men's prison in the Spanish province of Alicante decided to identify as a woman and request a transfer to a female prison. There, he began a relationship with another inmate whom he got pregnant.

The events, reported by the Spanish website OK Diario and confirmed by several local media outlets, took place in the Fontcalent prison in Alicante, Spain. The prisoner, of Bulgarian origin, had been frequently incarcerated for various theft and public health offenses, always as a man. After his last sentence, he took advantage of the new trans law passed by Spain's social-communist government to ask for gender transition. He said he felt he was a lesbian woman and managed to be transferred to the women's prison, without initiating any hormonal or surgical sex change procedure.

The prisoner, who is protected by the law and its numerous legislative loopholes, was allowed to move to the women's unit, where he impregnated a fellow inmate. After that, he was sent back to the men's prison.

The Spanish Trans Law, passed earlier this year, allows gender self-determination from the age of fourteen and grants the possibility of modifying one's legal sex in the civil registry without the need to present a medical report or undergo prior treatment.
