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NASA warns that China may take over lunar resources

Bill Nelson, administrator of the U.S. space agency, warned of China's growth in space and its attempt to establish dominance the moon.

El lado oscuro de la luna / NASA.

El lado oscuro de la luna / NASA.

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2022 was China's most successful year for space launches. For this reason, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) warned of the Asian country's growth in this field and of the close battle between the United States and China to win the new space race.

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson assured in an interview with Politico that the next two years will be decisive. He also warned that China could impose its dominance on the Moon and appropriate the resources of Earth's only natural satellite:

It is a fact: we’re in a space race. And it is true that we better watch out that they don’t get to a place on the moon under the guise of scientific research. And it is not beyond the realm of possibility that they say, ‘Keep out, we’re here, this is our territory.’

Among the most sought-after resources on the lunar surface are hydrogen, oxygen, silicon, iron, magnesium, calcium, aluminum, manganese and titanium, in addition to solar energy.

Distrust of Chinese activity on the moon

Terry Virts, former commander of the International Space Station and Space Shuttle, is wary of China's intentions on the moon and believes they could disrupt communications:

There is potentially mischief China can do on the moon. If they set up infrastructure there they could potentially deny communications, for example. Having them there doesn’t make things easier. There is real concern about Chinese meddling.

The Chinese embassy in Washington responded to these statements and clarified that they are not seeking conflict in space:

Some U.S. officials have spoken irresponsibly to misrepresent the normal and legitimate space endeavors of China. China firmly rejects such remarks. Outer space is not a wrestling ground. The exploration and peaceful uses of outer space is humanity’s common endeavor and should benefit all. China always advocates the peaceful use of outer space, opposes the weaponization of and arms race in outer space, and works actively toward building a community with a shared future for mankind in the space domain.

"It is possible that they could catch up"

Nina Armagno, a Space Force lieutenant general, testified that China was making giant strides in the space race when she witnessed the Asian country's launch of the tenth crew to its Shenzhou space station:

It’s entirely possible they could catch up and surpass us, absolutely. The progress they’ve made has been stunning — stunningly fast.

A race against the clock

This battle between the two countries is shaping up to be a race against the clock to see who can make the greatest advances off Earth, starting on the lunar surface. Any delay for the U.S. would be to China's great advantage.

NASA achieved great successes in 2022, such as the launch of the rocket Artemis I or the capture of high-definition images of the Pillars of Creation with the James Webb Telescope. Another space milestone achieved by NASA was to impact an asteroid with the DART probe, with the objective of deflecting it from its path.

China also completed numerous projects in the space field this past year, including the construction of infrastructure in space or the creation of an extraterrestrial governance system. Recently, it inaugurated a new space station and succeeded in collecting certain samples from the moon.
