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Twinder, Twitter's new dating feature?

Elon Musk replied to a YouTuber who asked him if he would add a dating app feature on the social network: "Interesting idea."

Twitter podría investigar la opción de abrir Twinder, su nueva función para buscar citas

(Voz Media)

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Twitter could implement a dating search function. It is no secret that Elon Musk is looking for new ways to monetize his social network and it seems that he is willing to consider entering the market of apps to find love.

The idea was proposed by youtuber Steve Mark Ryan and the platform's CEO was curious about it. "When is Twitter's dating app coming?" the content creator wondered. As he explained it didn't seem crazy to him: "It could actually save humanity from extinction. It's not even a joke. It's a very obvious and easy solution to implement," he said.

His argument did not end there. As he stated in the same publication, Twitter should not rule out the possibility since it is "the app for everything, right?". Moreover, he himself offered to collaborate with the bird's platform: "I could do a whole video on how this subscription app would work and why it would be ten times better than conventional dating apps. Twinder would be huge," he said.

Reactions were not long in coming. Many people claimed that creating "Twinder" would be a mistake. But Steve Mark Ryan was not willing to give up and did not hesitate to answer them in another publication:

To people who shout out loud 'No!' The operative term is 'opt for'. If you do not choose to be part of Twitter dating by opting in, you will not be part of Twitter dating and your experience using Twitter will not change. I did not expect to have to explain this.

What the youtuber did not expect was that the CEO of the company himself answered him and that Elon Musk did not rule out this option: "It's an interesting idea, maybe it will also create jobs". To which the content creator replied, "Do it." All that remains to be asked is: will Twinder be the next modification to be introduced by the social network? Time will tell.
