Viva Magenta is the 2023 color of the year
The Pantone Color Institute chose the color, which is "rooted in nature" and "a signal of strength." It succeeds 2022 color of the year Veri Peri.

(Captura de pantalla Twitter: @pantone)
Viva Magenta is the color of the year 2023, replacing Veri Peri. This was confirmed by Pantone Color Institute, the organization that created this color with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). The color was inspired by nature and technology.
It is a color descending from red and whose first public exhibition was held at the Art Basel in Miami Beach, Fla. The Pantone Color Institute has been naming its color of the year since 2000. Executive Director Leatrice Eiseman described the significance of Viva Magenta: