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Amazon studies copying Tik Tok

Customers would be able to like, save, share posts and purchase items from the feed that Jeff Bezos' company is considering implementing.



Amazon joins the long list of companies trying to capture the attention of consumers by introducing replicas of Tik Tok platform functions. The e-commerce giant tested a feed on its app that allows shoppers to scroll through photos and videos of products posted by other users, similar to those on the popular social video network.

According to a Wall Street Journal report, with the new feature called Inspire, customers would be able to like, save, share product posts and purchase items directly from the feed. Alyssa Bronikowsk, a spokeswoman for Amazon, declined to confirm whether the company has plans to introduce the feature to all of its customers. In a statement, Bronikowski said the company is "constantly testing new features to help make customers' lives a little easier."

Amazon is not the only one copying Tik Tok

Google and Facebook are the two largest sellers of digital advertising and have already pushed their own TikTok clones in an attempt to keep consumers loyal to their services in order to continue to increase their revenues.

Last year, YouTube, Google's video platform, launched a Shorts feature, which limits long videos to clips of one minute or less. In June of this year, Google said YouTube Shorts attracted more than 1.5 billion users each month. Meanwhile, Facebook now offers its own version of TikTok, a short-form video feature called Reels on Instagram as well as on its main social network. Earlier this year, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said Reels accounted for more than 20% of the time people spend on Instagram.
