Lego wishes kids a happy Pride month with drag queen figures and LGBT flags
The well-known brand posted a video on social media called "Mini Stories Pride Parade." The clip ends with confetti in the air and a message of "Happy Pride."

Lego's LGBT campaign for kids.
Lego wished its fans, mostly kids, a happy Pride month through a video posted on its Instagram account. The clip features iconic pieces and figures of the brand dressed up as drag queens and carrying the LGBT flag.
Titled "Mini Stories Pride Parade," the video begins with several characters going down a rainbow-colored slide, symbolizing the flag of the LGBT community. A character with blue hair is seen with others climbing an automatic vacuum cleaner that serves as a party stage.
The figures are seen dressed on many occasions with the LGBT flag, and at the end of the clip, confetti appears in the air with the words "Happy Pride."
An exclusive set for June
The video is promoting an exclusive set released at the Lego store intended to celebrate Pride month. Called "Everybody's Awesome," it claims to be intended for people over the age of 18. However, the promotional videos mimic distinctly childish games.
In an earlier post on June 12, the company thanked consumers for sending in ideas for "Pride builds" with its iconic figures: "We asked you for your Pride builds and you didn’t disappoint. ... Thank you to everyone who submitted a build to LEGO Ideas, we loved seeing all of them. Here are just a few of our top picks!" One of the "ideas" selected by the company was a Pride parade float.