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Fundación Tzedaká celebrates its annual fundraising event in New York to support the Argentine community

The organization seeks to help Argentines who are going through "one of the worst crises in history" in their country. The gala was attended by more than 200 prominent businessmen, including Voz Media's COO and co-founder, Pablo Kleinman.

Los hermanos Nicolás (izq) y Federico Kogan (centro) reciben un cuadro del artista argentino Pedro Roth de manos del presidente de la Fundación Tzedaká, Javier Suez (der) en la Cena anual 2024 - Fundación Tzedaká

Brothers Nicolás (left) and Federico Kogan (center) receive a painting by Argentine artist Pedro Roth from Fundación Tzedaká President Javier Suez (right) at the 2024 Annual Dinner - Fundación Tzedaká (VOZ)


The Moise Safra Center in New York hosted the annual event organized by the Fundación Tzedaká (Tzedaká Foundation), whose main purpose is to raise funds to support the argentine community "which is going through one of the worst crises in history":

We return to New York to meet once again with the friends and supporters of the Tzedaká Foundation. Argentina is going through one of the worst crises in history: with annual inflation rates exceeding 200%, every day more families need assistance. Even in the midst of the pain caused by the situation in Israel, we must continue to fulfill our mission of helping members of our community who desperately need our support in Argentina.

The gala was presented by its president, the Argentine media entrepreneur, Javier Suez, and was attended by more than 200 prominent businessmen and professionals, including our own director of operations (COO) and co-founder of Voz Media, Pablo Kleinman.

The Foundation, which describes itself as "an Argentine NGO that helps, through its programs, families and vulnerable people," echoed across social networks the importance of the event that, for the second consecutive year, appeared on the screens in Times Square.

The Foundation and its work to "mitigate the harsh reality of poverty"

The mission of the foundation, according to its website, is "protect the most vulnerable members of the community by supporting, promoting and developing social and educational initiatives." It is made up "of 600 volunteers, 6,500 donors and almost 100 professionals from different fields whose objective is improve the lives of thousands of Argentines."

The foundation was created in 1991 by the Jewish community and its main task is to "mitigate the harsh reality of poverty":

We strive to ensure that every family has a roof over their heads and food on the table, to offer young people and adults the training necessary to earn a decent living, to support children to finish school - obtaining a complete education from kindergarten infants through college, regardless of their parents' financial limitations - and to provide all sick people with the medications and care they need.