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Senator Marco Rubio launches strategy to 'protect life, help mothers, and strengthen families'

The Biden administration reaffirmed its support for abortion by implementing new measures on the issue. The Republican's plan, called "A Winning Pro-life Strategy," with the goal of "exposing the Democrats’ abortion extremism."

María Corina Machado, Marco Rubio, Venezuela, Maduro, opositores

(Cordon Press)

A few days before the 51st anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Senator Marco Rubio's office released a pro-life memo that includes a strategy to "protect life, help mothers, and strengthen families."

The program highlights the importance and impact of an issue like abortion in this year's presidential elections. The text points out that "Democrats largely control the narrative about abortion," and that this "message of fear and control has resonated with American voters."

Senator Rubio highlighted in the statement that voters "do not trust Republicans to lead on this issue," and assured that "action is needed, or worse outcomes will follow."

'Three fundamental principles that pro-life Americans should rally behind'

The program details "three fundamental principles that pro-life Americans should rally behind":

Supporting mothers and their babies with compassionate, pro-family policies; exposing the Democrats’ abortion extremism; and protecting the unborn by championing just limits to abortion.

The senator highlights that Republicans have "responsibility to advocate effectively for that cause," since their party "believes in the dignity of the human person, the importance of family, and the unalienable right to life":

This moment is an opportunity for Republicans to refocus and remember who we are. Our party believes in the dignity of the human person, the importance of family, and the unalienable right to life. There is no cause that unites those beliefs more perfectly, and that motivates tens of millions of our party’s supporters more fully, than the pro-life cause. We have a responsibility to advocate effectively for that cause.

Biden called Republicans 'extremists' and 'cruel'

The memo is published a few days before the Biden administration reaffirmed its support for abortion by presenting new guidelines regarding the issue and methods of contraception. President Joe Biden called Republicans "extremists" and "cruel" in a speech at the White House and further declared that the GOP's stance on abortion is a "dangerous, extreme and out-of-touch agenda."

Senator Rubio declared that "the truth about abortion, from the horrors of late-term abortion to the lack of basic protections for the most vulnerable" will be exposed:

Every life saved, every family supported, every law rewritten is another step toward a future where every beating heart finds refuge in the law and compassion in our hearts ... The landscape has changed, but the stakes have not. Our mission remains unchanged: to build a country where every life is valued and protected ... We must be compassionate and support families in crisis, offering support, not judging them. We must dismantle the false notion of having to choose between motherhood and having opportunities.