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Texas sues Biden Administration for “cutting and destroying” barbed wire and allowing massive entry of illegals

State Attorney General Ken Paxton asks the court to "prohibit federal defendants" from continuing these practices. In addition, he blames the Federal Government for "encouraging, inducing and assisting thousands of foreigners to cross illegally" into the country.

Imagen de archivo de migrantes intentando cruzar la frontera desde México hacia Estados Unidos en Eagle Pass, Texas.

(Cordon Press)

Texas sued the Biden Administration for "disrupting the state's border security efforts" by allowing federal agents to cut and destroy the barbed wire that was installed in the form of a "border barrier" on its land border with Mexico to try to mitigate the constant arrival of illegal immigrants:

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing other several agencies (...) for the federal government's practice of cutting and destroying Texas’s concertina wire that was strategically positioned for the purpose of securing the state’s border with Mexico and stemming the flow of illegal migration. 

Before a federal court in the city of Del Rio, Ken Paxton - the state's attorney general - filed the lawsuit against the Border Patrol, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas. The text also includes other agencies whose role, according to the prosecutor, is to "encourage, induce and help thousands of foreigners to cross illegally":

Federal agents have developed and implemented a practice of destroying Texas’s concertina wire to encourage, induce, and assist thousands of aliens to illegally cross the Rio Grande and enter Texas. Federal agents in some cases attempted to ease aliens’ ability to illegally climb up the riverbank into Texas by attaching ropes or cables to the back of pickup trucks. 

Texas Razorwire Filing 10.2... by Veronica Silveri

Paxton declared that "Texas has the sovereign right to construct border barriers to prevent the entry of illegal aliens." In addition, he noted that "Biden's open border policy (...) puts the country and citizens at risk":

Americans across the country were horrified to watch Biden’s open-border policy in action: agents were physically cutting wires and assisting the aliens’ entry into our state. This is illegal. It puts our country and our citizens at risk.  Federal agents regularly cut new openings in chain-link fencing, sometimes immediately after Texas officials have placed new wire to plug gaps in the fence barriers.

The lawsuit also accuses the administration of "illegally destroying property of the State of Texas" and asks the court to "prohibit the federal defendants from continuing to destroy and damage private property, without lawful authority and in violation of federal law." ":

BBy cutting Texas’s concertina wire, the federal government has not only illegally destroyed property owned by the State of Texas it has also disrupted the State’s border deterrence efforts, leaving gaps in Texas’s border barriers and damaging Texas’s ability to effectively deter illegal entry into Texas. End this illegal and ongoing practice that undermines Texas border security efforts (...) end it, or Biden’s free-for-all will make this crushing immigration crisis even worse.

The border collapsed due to the influx of immigrants

The arrival of illegal immigrants broke all records during the 2023 fiscal year . According to official data published by the Customs and Border Protection Agency (CBP), more than three million people entered the country irregularly. The flow of asylum seekers has broken the highest records in the south (2,475,669). The arrest of terrorism suspects also skyrocketed (169), reaching a figure higher than the sum of the previous six years.

Several cities in Texas are among the most affected by the arrival of illegals. Among them: Eagle Pass and El Paso, both are currently in a state of emergency due to the situation. In El Paso, Democratic Mayor Oscar Leeser declared that his town is at a "turning point" since it does not have sufficient resources to face crises, with the arrival of at least 2,000 migrants per day seeking asylum.
