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Trump issues warning about the collapse of the car industry and the electric vehicle: "China will take it all"

The former president emphasized that, if he comes to power in 2024, he will defend U.S. workers and companies in the automotive sector.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump / Flickr -Gage Skidmore

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Former President Donald Trump warned Monday that the U.S. auto industry will face a collapse amid President Joe Biden's push for electric vehicles. Trump said "China will take it all" if Biden's plan goes ahead.

"The Great State of Michigan will not have an auto industry anymore if Crooked Joe Biden’s crazed concept of 'all Electric Cars' goes into effect. CHINA WILL TAKE IT ALL, 100%." the Republican wrote on his Truth Social account.

Meanwhile, the president said he will end the Democratic policy of boosting the sale of electric vehicles. The Republican's intention, he said, is the defense of American companies and workers. "United Auto Workers, VOTE FOR TRUMP. Get your leaders to ENDORSE ME, I WILL KEEP ALL OF THESE GREAT JOBS, AND BRING IN MANY MORE. CHOICE IN SCHOOLS, AND CHOICE IN CARS!!!" said the former Republican president.

President Joe Biden's intention to boost electric vehicle sales, as part of his Green New Deal, is failing. This was shown by a Cox Automotive study, which detailed that electric vehicles will account for less than 8% of total new vehicle sales in 2023.

In addition, two of the main automakers have already warned that the expectations of the president, who wants two-thirds of new vehicle sales to be electric by 2032, are overly optimistic.

"The proposed rule significantly underestimates the actions needed to build the targeted EV market," Toyota said in comments seen by The Telegraph newspaper.
