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Illegal immigrant inflows soared 30% in July at the southern border

Preliminary data from Customs and Border Protection indicate that some 180,000 people entered the country through Mexico last month.

Agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza escoltan a un grupo de inmigrantes ilegales.


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The triumphalism about the success of the Biden Administration's new immigration policy measures suffered a major setback in July. The entry of illegal immigrants through the southern border shot up again this month by 30% over the previous month. According to preliminary data from the Customs and Border Protection Agency, more than 180,000 undocumented immigrants entered the country illegally. With these figures, the cumulative figure so far this fiscal year is 1,970,152, almost 23,000 migrants more than the same period last year.

The data, obtained by The Washington Post prior to its official publication, represents a major setback for the new measures implemented by the Department of Homeland Security following the end of Title 42. To these figures must be added the judicial blows that its immigration policy has been receiving in the courts in recent times. Most Americans consider the management of the southern border to be a major national problem.

More than 130,000 illegals apprehended and 50,000 citations through CBP One

Border Patrol agents made more than 130,000 apprehensions at the border with Mexico last month, up from 99,545 in June. In addition, authorities allowed passage to another 50,000 immigrants through programs such as the CBP One mobile app, which enables asylum seekers to make an appointment. Despite the heat, the entry point where the greatest number of entries occurred, was the deserts of Arizona. According to CBP data, there were 40,000 encounters in this area despite the 110º Fahrenheit daytime highs recorded. This is the highest total in one month in the last 15 years in the Tucson sector.

In addition to the conflicts being raised by Justice, agents warn that more than 100,000 people are waiting in Mexico or are on their way to the border through the Americas. The uncertainty generated by the end of Title 42 and the Biden Administration's announcement that it would toughen measures to discourage illegal immigrants while promoting legal immigration through apps such as CBP One, were influential in producing this situation.
