Border Patrol seizes third largest stash of methamphetamines in its history
Border security agents managed to apprehend a shipment with a street value of $100 million in Rio Grande, Texas.

Border security agents in Rio Grande, Texas announced third largest methamphetamine seizure in the agency's history. The 3,036 pounds seized have an estimated street value of almost $100 million.
The drugs were found when the truck driver with a suspicious immigration status was stopped. Agents sent it to a secondary inspection area and, upon checking the cargo, discovered 1,440 bottles labeled as household cleaning products containing liquid methamphetamine, the agency said in a statement.
Drug seizures have dropped under Biden
"This historical seizure is a prime example of our Agents’ efforts to continuously impact and degrade Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCO) exploiting the Rio Grande Valley" said Gloria Chavez, chief of the Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol.
The number of total drug seizures has declined every year since President Joe Biden took office. According to federal data, approximately 175,000 pounds of methamphetamine were seized during the last fiscal year.