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Florida bans transgender medical treatment for minors

Two state medical boards approved the ban of puberty blockers, hormonal drugs and sex change surgeries for children.

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In a blow to supporters of transgender medical treatment for minors, the Florida Board of Medicine and Board of Osteopathic Medicine approved a ban on puberty-blocking drugs, hormones and sex change surgeries this Friday.

These measures were adopted after the state Department of Health filed a request in July for a new policy regarding gender treatment for children. This request, supported by Governor Ron DeSantis and Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo, proposed certain regulations for the care of children diagnosed with gender dysphoria.

Dr. Ladapo congratulated the Florida Medical Boards for approving the measures:

Today, the Boards of Medicine & Osteo Medicine voted to protect our children from irreversible surgeries & highly experimental treatments. I appreciate their integrity for ruling in the best interest of FL children despite facing tremendous pressure to permit these risky & unproven treatments. Children deserve to learn how to navigate this world without harmful pressure. Florida will continue to fight for kids to be kids.

"There are only two sexes"

Dr. Diane Gowski, president of the Florida Catholic Medical Association, welcomed the decision and said trans ideology "is a lie."

There are only two sexes, male and female. We can reason this through our reason, medical fact, common sense and biblical truth. We are made by God. He is our only creator. ... Unfortunately, what transgender ideology, in my opinion, has created, is a lie.

With this ban, Florida establishes that puberty blockers, sex change surgeries and hormones present serious risks for minors, sharing the opinion of medical authorities in countries such as the United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway and Finland.
