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Indoctrination in Los Angeles: school district promotes controversial trans activist

The Unified School District uploads sensitive content to its Instagram and amplifies activist messages about gender ideology.

Addison Rose Vincent


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The Los Angeles Unified School District has shared a video on its Instagram story starring transgender activist Addison Vincent. In the video, the self-described "content creator" explains with the influencer known as Blairimani how personal pronouns should be used, one of the key concepts currently promoted by the woke world.

Included in the story shared by Los Angeles School District, there is a link to Vincent's personal page, which is loaded with pornographic content. The activists who star in the video use a tone that is intended to be didactic and aimed at children. They state that "gender is a set of mental and behavioral characteristics" and ask not to take the gender of others for granted, but to ask which gender they identify with.

This is a whole recital of woke indoctrination shared by the official account of an educational entity that represents dozens of schools and thousands of children. Looking into the camera and sporting a bushy beard, the activist addresses the children to tell them that "you can't look at someone and know their gender the same way you can't look at someone and know their name" someone's gender identity, so get used to recognizing that your curiosity doesn't entitle you to personal information."

Kelly S., an advocate for parents' rights in their children's education, has been one of those responsible for alerting the Los Angeles School District to this "sensitive" content on social media.

"This is where the tax dollars and public schools are at," laments this analyst charged with researching school indoctrination. The video was shared by the School District's Human Relations, Diversity and Equity department's Instagram page, where we found dozens of postings about how to empower students with this gender mix.
