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Biden-Harris administration and UN demand immunity for UNRWA employees involved in October 7 massacre

The U.S. Justice Department and the United Nations said that the complaint filed by victims of the terrorist attack in a New York court should be dismissed.

ONU; Hamas, cifras falsas

UNRWACordon Press.

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The United Nations, backed by the Biden-Harris administration, stated in U.S. federal court that employees of its United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) who participated in the October 7 massacre should have legal immunity.

The UNRWA statement, which was recently delivered to the Southern District Court of New York following a complaint filed by more than 100 victims of the attack perpetrated by Hamas and other terrorist groups, is supported by the U.S. Department of Justice.

As reported by Israel's Channel 12, UNRWA stated in the document that because the UN has not waived its immunity in this case, the agency for Palestinian refugees also has immunity from prosecution, so the complaint should be dismissed.

The U.S. Department of Justice, as mentioned, supported UNRWA's claims and said that the complaint does not have any legal basis for claiming that the UN waived its immunity, so it also argued that it should be dismissed for lack of jurisdiction.

The Jewish News Syndicate claimed that although the UN, its agencies and officials have immunity from all legal process under the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, adopted in 1946, the international body has "the right and the duty" to waive this immunity in some cases.

It is worth noting that in August of this year, the UN announced that according to the results of an internal investigation, it is possible that nine UNRWA employees were involved in the October 7 massacre, which is why it decided to fire them. However, Jerusalem has claimed that this is only "the tip of the iceberg.”

What is UNRWA accused of?

According to the complaint filed three months ago, UNRWA allegedly provided assistance for genocide, committed crimes against humanity, torture and rape during the October 7 massacre.

The complaint states that UNRWA carried out a money laundering operation to finance Hamas. According to the file, the agency allowed some of the resources, which were supposed to be sent to help the people in the Gaza Strip, to end up in the hands of the terrorist group.

The whistleblowers also claimed that UNRWA allowed Hamas to dig tunnels and establish command centers under the agency's facilities, such as at its headquarters, schools, medical clinics, offices, warehouses and other facilities, and that its employees even participated in the October 7 massacre.

The complaint also claims that the agency further aided in the installation of rocket launching pads and firing positions for terrorists inside or near UNRWA schools, clinics and offices, in clear violation of international humanitarian law.
