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Trump Jr.: 'My father understands what he's fighting for and he's the only person capable of doing it'

In an exclusive interview with VOZ News, the former president's son spoke on the lessons he has learned from his dad, the problems in the United States that need to be solved and why Democrats do not understand Hispanics.

Trump Jr. in an interview with VOZ News.

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The race for the presidency of the United States has entered the home stretch. Most Americans would say that it is easy to compare one administration to another, as we have lived four years under Trump and the last four years under the Biden-Harris administration.

However, what should be a simple comparison of results and analysis of quality of life has become more complicated for Republicans, who are battling hostile rhetoric from the mainstream media. The headlines are all about what Kamala Harris plans to do and not about what she has neglected to do in the last three and a half years as second-in-command of the country. On the other hand, the narrative about Trump is not about the results of his administration but about how he is a "danger to democracy" and the charges brought against him by the Justice Department under the current administration.

VOZ News spoke exclusively with Donald Trump Jr., the Republican candidate's eldest son, weeks after the attack against his father on July 13 in Butler, Pa.

- Your dad could be retired now and join his family, but he's still running for president despite what happened to him one month ago [the assassination attempt]. How does that make you feel?

"Honestly, it makes me feel very proud," Trump said.

"He got into this always for the right reasons. He understood the consequences of getting into it. I remember, I guess it was June 16, 2015, the day he announced [his candidacy] ... He looks at me and says, 'And now we find out who our real friends are.'"

Don Jr. recalls that from that moment on — things changed drastically for his father: “The Hollywood people abandoned him; Oprah, all the friends for decades.”

"[He] actually did incredible things for America: fixed the economy, job growth for the lowest income earners, he got so many things under control. The other side then weaponized COVID, and then they tried to impeach him, and they tried to bankrupt him, and they tried to jail him, then they ultimately tried to kill him, from the rhetoric — because if someone's worse than Hitler, and a threat to democracy..." he said.

"You lived for four years under him. There was no threat to democracy. Everything was fine," Trump Jr. said. He also asked people to reflect on whether they were better off under the administration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris or during his father's term.

Donald Jr. also emphasized that the Democratic party is no longer the same as it was 30 years ago and that it is now a party that is pushing toward communism, something he knows firsthand, as his mother fled communist Czechoslovakia.

"My mother escaped communist Czechoslovakia. She made me go there every summer for two months as a kid growing up. ... I have waited in those breadlines. I assure you it's not as glamorous as they'd have you believe, and as you know from so many of the Latin countries. And so he understands what he's fighting for. He's the only person, frankly, capable of taking that abuse and continuing. The abuse is designed to get you to go home and curl up into a ball and cry, and that's just not him. My father is a fighter."

"We're up against formidable competition, not because it's real, but because between big tech, between the mainstream media, they take a radical person, someone who is the most liberal senator, as rated by independent agencies: Kamala Harris. 'She's a moderate now. She's going to fix the economy.' Well, why didn't she do it already? Exactly. She didn't fix the economy. She had four years, but now she's going to do something different. She's the vice president to arguably the most absent president in the history of time. What 40% of his term, he has been on vacation, and he's clearly not there in the head. So she could have done all these things if she actually knew how. 'She's going to fix the border.' Could have done that; she was the border czar. 'She's going to fix the economy.' Could have done something," said the firstborn of former President Trump.

He also pointed out that, on the contrary, Kamala Harris oversaw rampant inflation.

"'She's going to get world peace,' but all we've seen is war. It's very dangerous, but we have a media, both in America and a lot of Hispanic media in America, that is just so biased towards the Democrats that it's actually scary. I think people have to be able to remember what it was like under Trump. They have to understand what it's like going into the grocery store. If grocery prices bother me, and I'm the son of a billionaire, I imagine they're crushing a lot of hard-working Americans right now," he said.

In regards to the international issues, Trump Jr. said China was a geopolitical threat because of the fentanyl that is coming into the U.S. from that country through the Mexican border.

"That's, frankly, an attack on Western civilization, not just Americans. But I think there are also realities to the economy, and I think there's a lot that can be done with Latin America to create jobs there but also to build up an American manufacturing base. So attention does have to be paid, but mostly as a block to China because China will come in and they show up with a briefcase of cash and they get control of entire sectors of the economy. It's a very dangerous game that we're allowing them to play. And I think if we keep that in check, you can make North and South America quite prosperous, and it doesn't all have to go to China," he said.

Trump Jr. in interview with VOZ News.

- Several media outlets, including Spanish-language ones, have labeled your dad a racist and anti-immigrant. What would you tell the Hispanic community about that?

"Well, two of his wives were immigrants. My mom is an immigrant. His mom is an immigrant. So it's nonsense. And again, I think immigration, regular immigration, is very important, but we want to bring people who can create value, can create jobs, can bring something to their communities. The Democrats want people who are simply dependent on Democrat and government handouts. That means your money that you pay in taxes goes to pay people who will never pay back into the system. You see, they want to give Social Security to every illegal that comes in. Well, what happens to the people who have been paying into that system for their entire lives? [It is] a system that is already going to go bankrupt because of the incompetence that it is run by. That doesn't work, so there has to be a process. And I see that the people I have seen from the Hispanic community that ha[ve] gone through the process and done it the right way, they're some of the most patriotic Americans I know," he said. 

He also pointed out that working communities are the most affected by illegal immigration, where their jobs, their schools, and their infrastructure are being diminished, not the elitists in Hollywood who are living in a huge mansions.

"Again, the drug trafficking is crazy, the human and child sex trafficking. These are not the values of the Hispanic community, and yet the Democrats will do nothing to actually slow that spread, and that's a problem. So they have to recognize that. I think, if they look at the things objectively, if they go into a grocery store and think about what things are today versus what they were four years ago, it's sort of over," Trump Jr. said, convinced that the results of Donald Trump's presidency were far better than those of the Biden-Harris administration.

- What would you say is the biggest lesson that you have learned from your dad?

"The resilience. I knew he was tough; I knew he was strong as a businessman. When I saw him come back up after getting shot, that moment, that resonated with me. That's the kind of leader any country would want. Everyone these days, everyone's a tough guy on the internet, right? They sit there on their iPhones, and everyone is very tough on the internet. You get shot in the face and you come out tough, that's real. That's one in a million. And I think that's important. And I think the rest of the world, when he was president, recognized that," he said.

"It's why he kept dictators in check. It's why he was able to get peace deals done. It's why he was able to negotiate strong trade deals for America and American workers. People understand that. They feel that. But if there was any doubt, he proved it a few weeks ago on July 13."

Watch the full interview:
