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Major poll reveals Trump ahead of Harris by five points among independents

The poll also showed that both are within the margin of error in voting intention, although most respondents were upset with the direction of the country.

Trump receives a standing ovation in Detroit, Michigan/ Jeff KowalskyAFP

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Donald Trump outnumbers Kamala Harris among independent voters, who are likely to be the ones who end up defining the winner of the November presidential election. The two will face off next Sept. 10 in the first post-convention presidential debate, which will be hosted by ABC News in Philadelphia.

According to the latest poll conducted by YouGov, the Republican is outperforming his Democratic rival by five percentage points among independents, 42% to 37%. At the same time, 13% of this group claims not to have made up their minds yet.

Another data that favors Trump is the following: 53% of independents responded that they would not consider voting for Harris, while only 45% refused to vote for the Republican.

The same poll gave Harris a two-point lead, 47% to 45%, with Trump getting 12% among African-Americans and 34% among Hispanics. In turn, support for Harris among the latter group would drop ten points compared to what Biden received in 2020. The difference between the two is in the margin of error, which was 3.2 points for this poll.

The poll also found that the most important issues for the 1,555 adults surveyed Aug. 25-27 were the following: jobs and the economy (97%), taxes and government spending (92%), national security (91%), and health care (91%).

In turn, when it came to evaluating the direction the country is taking, 63% of respondents had a negative opinion, in addition to 43% who said they were worse off financially than last year.

The November elections will also have a huge impact on Congress, with the House and Senate hotly contested between the two parties. When the sample was asked about this, 46% leaned Democratic and 44% Republican, so the difference was again within the margin of error.
