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Kamala's -press- silence: What is the Democratic candidate hiding?

Kamala has gone 27 days - and counting - without giving interviews or press conferences to journalists, not even to the devoted left-wing press.

Kamala HarrisAFP

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Almost one month after the internal coup that ended Joe Biden's candidacy for the White House and placed Kamala Harris as head of the Democratic Party list, the vice president continues not to attend to the media. The closest thing to an interview she has given has been a recorded conversation with her ticket mate, Tim Walz, shared on social media. With a radical past as a prosecutor and as a senator, with many questionable aspects, such as those denounced by Tulsi Gabbard in the 2020 campaign and which led her to drop out of the race, Kamala's campaign has opted for a strategy of ignoring the press that is already raising criticism even among the left-wing platforms, which are totally devoted to her.

Kamala assures that she will grant interviews "some point" at the end of August

At the time of publishing this news it had been 27 days since she presented her candidacy - with Biden's political corpse still warm -, the same amount of time that the Democratic candidate has not appeared before the press. For the moment, the only thing that her campaign has pointed out to the media is that "yes" Kamala plans to grant interviews and that she will do so at "some point" at the end of August.

An attitude that contrasts markedly with the media exposure of the Republican campaign. Donald Trump has never stopped giving interviews or press conferences, even right out of the hospital after his assassination attempt in Pennsylvania. His running mate, Senator J.D. Vance, is even more active, giving three interviews in less than 24 hours, in addition to attending to the media that have asked him to do so.

"If she's not prepared to sit down with journalists, she's not prepared to sit down with Xi"

More and more voices are demanding that Kamala accept the responsibility of attending to the media, including businessman and former Republican primary candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, who wonders how she is going to face Chinese President Xi Jinping if she does not dare to get in front of a journalist's microphone, even if it is from a like-minded media outlet. Considering the absolute commitment of the Democratic media since the vice president took the reins, the question is even more difficult to explain from her side.

A past as a prosecutor with a lot of explaining to do

Kamala's record includes several aspects which the vice president prefers not to talk about. As such, former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard ended her solo run to the White House by denouncing in a debate of Democratic pre-candidates on CNN the truth behind Kamala's records as a prosecutor:

"Senator Harris says she is proud of her record as a prosecutor and that she will be a prosecutor president. But I am deeply troubled by this record. There are too many examples to cite, but she put more than 1,500 people in jail for marijuana-related offenses and then laughed about it when asked if she had ever smoked pot."

Most of all, though, were the shattering allegations that Kamala "blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to do it. She kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of California and she fought to maintain the bail system, which impacts poor people in the worst possible way."

The Failure of the Border Czar

In addition, and with the help of the leftist press, Kamala is trying to present herself as a moderate. To do so, they have gone so far as to remove records that marked her as the "most radical" senator, ahead of even socialist Bernie Sanders.

It is not the only favor from the media that is ideologically close to the Blue Party: with border management as one of the key points in the November election, attempts are being made to erase or explain Kamala's direct responsibility as czarina of this section. An appointment that was publicized at the time and which has now become a huge setback to facing Donald Trump with a record number of illegal immigrants entering the country as a result of the Biden-Harris Administration's immigration policies.

However, the progressive media doesn't seem to be acting as diligently or as quickly as the vice president would like. This is the only way to explain why the Democratic candidate's campaign is modifying headlines of related media in Google searches without her knowledge or consent to make them even more favorable to her and to make it appear that big publishers are fully behind her, as Axios reported this week. Curiously, these alleged champions of freedom of the press and the fight against disinformation have not raised their voices in the wake of finger-pointing.

The leftist media, handed over to Kamala

And the fact remains that the commitment to Kamala from democratic media outlets has been absolute since it became clear that she would be the Democratic candidate. The Democratic establishment has spared no efforts to turn the despair and anguish generated by the state of Joe Biden's mental health into joy and triumphalism with the vice president, even forgetting that her numbers were even worse than those of the president and her rejection was greater among voters. The example of the covers that Time magazine dedicated to Trump and Kamala herself are a graphic illustration of this situation:
