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Republican Party leads the electoral race among young people

The National Public Opinion Reference Survey (NPORS) revealed that - among all respondents - 47% indicated being a Republican or supporting the GOP, while 46% indicated being a Democrat.

Donald Trump(Jim Watson / AFP)

The National Public Opinion Reference Survey (NPORS) prepared by Pew Research revealed that the Republican Party is leading the electoral race among young people under 30.

According to the new poll figures, among all respondents, 47% indicated being a Republican or supporting the GOP in this election, while 46% indicated being a Democrat or leaning Democratic.

Regarding the close result, Pew researchers highlighted that "in recent decades, neither party has had a sizable lead, but the Democratic Party has lost the advantage it held from 2017 to 2021."

A negative 20-point gap for Democrats.

The poll shows a sizable increase in the number of young Republican voters. In April, a Pew article revealed that "younger voters (those aged 18 to 24) aligned with Democrats by nearly two to one (66% Democrats to 34% Republicans)."

These results show that the aftermath of the first presidential debate seems to have no end for Joe Biden. Another poll by The New York Times conducted a few days after the face-to-face between the president and former President Donald Trump ended, was very unfavorable to Biden

One poll found that prior to the debate, the president was losing to Trump by three points among likely voters, by six points among registered voters and by one point averaged across all polls. However, post-event numbers showed an even more pessimistic scenario for the Democrat. Indeed, he now loses by six points among likely voters, by nine points among registered voters and by three poiints in the polling average.

Also,  Democrats expressed concern about Biden's health status and performance and its possible electoral impact, so many have called for him to withdraw from the race.
