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Trial begins against Bob Menendez, accused of corruption and obstruction of justice

The Democratic senator is being tried on charges such as bribery, fraud and acting as a foreign agent, among others.

Bob Menendez (CordonPress)

Bob Menendez (CordonPress)

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This Monday, the trial against Bob Menendez began in a federal court in Manhattan. The former senator is being tried for different crimes, including of bribery, acting as a foreign agent and tax fraud.

Three other people, including the former Democratic senator's wife, Nadine Menendez, are also being investigated. In her case, she will be subjected to a trial separate from that of her husband, which is scheduled for July 8 after her defense requested a delay for medical reasons.

The investigation into Menendez began after there were indications that the senator and his wife allegedly received bribes from people affiliated with the governments of Egypt and Qatar, including gold bars, high-end cars and cash, in exchange for the senator's influence, such as the delivery of weapons or facilitating millions of dollars from Qatar to Fred Daibes, also investigated in this case.

Prosecutors indicated that those alleged cash bribes that the Menendez couple received were kept in their residence, inside closets and stuffed among their clothes.

The jury, which was selected this Monday, will deliberate based on previously discovered facts whether Menendez is guilty of any or all of the criminal charges he faces. In total, there are 16 crimes, which allegedly occurred between 2018 and 2023. All of them are linked to corrupt practices and obstruction of justice.

A trial to mark Menendez's political future

This judicial process will be decisive for Menendez's political future. The senator, who pulled his name from the New Jersey Democratic primary, aspires to maintain his seat in the Senate as an independent candidate.

If he is found not guilty, Menendez will attend the election. However, the senator from New Jersey has lost a lot of support in his state and many residents are critical of his work, according to several polls reported by Reuters.
