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Nancy Pelosi attacks Netanyahu: 'He should resign'

The former speaker of the House of Representatives assured that the Likud leader is the biggest obstacle to a two-state solution.

(Cordon Press)

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Democrat Nancy Pelosi directly attacked current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his handling of the war in Gaza. The former speaker of the House of Representatives accused Netanyahu of not working to achieve an end to the conflict in the Gaza Strip.

Nancy Pelosi made her statements during a visit to Ireland. When she spoke with Irish outlet RTE, Pelosi criticized the management of the Likud leader and said the number of civilian victims in Gaza is already too high. "We recognize Israel's right to protect itself. We reject the policy and the practice of Netanyahu — terrible. What could be worse than what he has done in response?" Pelosi said during the interview.

Pelosi even went so far as to say that perhaps the issue is not about whether Netanyahu has been unable to bring peace to the Middle East, but rather that he "doesn't want peace." She said, "I don't know whether he's afraid of peace, incapable of peace, or just doesn't want peace," Pelosi said.

Along with this, the former speaker of the House publicly supported a two-state solution in Palestine and Israel, but also assured that Netanyahu is the biggest obstacle to this path. "He should resign. He's ultimately responsible."

Pelosi's criticism joins that of many in the international community who have called on Israel to stop its advance in the Gaza Strip.

Difficulty for a truce in Gaza

However, the Israeli government is unable to reach an agreement with Hamas for the release of the hostages that are still being held captive terrorists. According to Jerusalem, Hamas has rejected all options offered for a ceasefire and release of the hostages.

The climate worsened during the latest escalation of war between Israel and Iran, as a result of an attack on a building attached to the Iranian consulate in Damascus in which several high-ranking Iranian soldiers were killed. After this, it is estimated that the possibilities of reaching a truce in Gaza have decreased considerably because of the important role that Iran plays in the negotiations due to its tutelary link with Hamas.

Pressure on Democrats

The Democratic Party finds itself between a rock and a hard place, pushed by its voters towards more contrary and harsher positions with the Israeli government, especially in an election year. Pelosi's words to the Irish media coincide with an intense week of pro-Palestine protests on the campuses of several Ivy League universities.

Throughout the previous days, anti-Israel activists took to the campuses of Columbia and Yale, causing unrest and tension in the university communities.
