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Trump and Biden easily dominate Super Tuesday as Haley's campaign sinks

The former Republican president won almost all of the day's elections by a wide margin, securing, for now, more than 900 delegates.

Actualizaciones EN VIVO del “Supermartes” | Se definen las primarias de 15 estados con Trump y Haley como protagonistas

Montaje Voz Media. (Cordon Press)

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump swept their respective parties on Super Tuesday, virtually confirming their presidential nominations.

Trump, in particular, had a near-perfect night, securing victory in 12 of the 15 states in contention throughout the popular primary day.

By an extensive margin, the former president soundly defeated Nikki Haley in Alabama, Arkansas, California, Northern California, Colorado, Texas, Massachusetts, Virginia, Maine, Minnesota, Oklahoma and Tennessee.

The only state where he lost was Vermont, where Haley won by a narrow four percentage points.

Vermont, because of its open election system and its moderate and liberal electorate, was the state where Haley had the best chance to claim victory. However, her performance in the rest of the elections was absolutely dreadful, leaving her practically without the possibility of mathematically competing with Trump for the Republican nomination.

In fact, with his outstanding results today, Trump has already assured himself of finishing the day with 911 delegates as he waits for the results in Utah and Alaska to be tallied.

Haley, on the other hand, is left with only 78 delegates.

So far, the pre-candidate and former ambassador to the UN has not spoken after her performance on Super Tuesday; however, many reports speculate her exit from the race after all her public events scheduled for this week were removed from her website.

Meanwhile, Trump spoke after his historic victory, assuring that the upcoming “November 5th is going to go down as the single most important day in the history of our country.”

Amid much applause, the former president promised to be victorious against President Biden, who also had an almost perfect election day, except for a small and unexpected defeat in a town where a handful of voters went to the polls.

Despite winning the election in every state as expected, the current president lost the Democratic caucuses in American Samoa to unknown candidate Jason Palmer in one of the day’s colorful highlights.

But beyond losing in American Samoa and Vermont, Biden and Trump, respectively, wholly dominated Super Tuesday. On the other hand, Haley saw her campaign sink without being able to compete after spending seven-digit numbers in ads and election propaganda for the day.

Here are all the remaining updates from Super Tuesday in Voz Media’s extensive coverage.

Trump reacts to his historic victory

After winning most of the elections in this Super Tuesday, former President Trump celebrated his triumph in style and stated amidst applause: “We are gonna win this election because we have no choice; if we lose the election, we’re not gonna have a country left.”

BREAKING: Trump wins in California

As was the case throughout the day, the former president had no trouble beating Nikki Haley in a large state.

With this additional win, Trump has reached 911 delegates, closing in on the 1,215 electoral representatives needed to officially clinch the Republican nomination.

On the other hand, Haley currently only has 78 delegates, pending the results of Utah and Alaska.

BREAKING: Haley wins Vermont

Finally, Donald Trump’s first Super Tuesday defeat has been confirmed: by more than four percentage points, Nikki Haley has won in Vermont, her only victory today.

With this win, Haley tallies her second victory in this entire presidential campaign. She also became the first woman to win a GOP primary election in a state.

BREAKING: Haley appears to have canceled her public events

All indications are that pre-candidate Nikki Haley has canceled her public events for the week or at least removed them from her website, where they were previously listed one by one.

The former ambassador to the UN is having a forgettable Super Tuesday, only proving to be competitive in the Vermont elections, which practically seals her presidential campaign’s fate.

BREAKING: Joe Biden loses an election

Incredible as it may seem, President Joe Biden has lost in the Democratic caucuses in American Samoa to unknown candidate Jason Palmer. Undoubtedly, it is one of the surprising news stories of the day and one of the few surprises on this Super Tuesday.

Trump adds Texas, Colorado, Arkansas and Minnesota to his tally

Former President Trump, for the moment, is having a victorious Super Tuesday.

In addition to winning Massachusetts, Alabama, Tennessee, Maine, Oklahoma, North Carolina and Virginia, he has also swept Texas, Colorado, Arkansas and Minnesota.

In Texas, the difference with Haley is abysmal: more than fifty points.

Vermont remains the only state where Haley is still competitive, apart from the pending votes in Utah, California and Alaska.

How many states has Trump already won?

Let’s review the tallies. Officially, Trump has already won seven states: Massachusetts, Alabama, Tennessee, Maine, Oklahoma, North Carolina and Virginia.

If we go by the numbers, Texas and Arkansas should be projected soon, leaving Trump with nine certain victories out of the fifteen contested races.

Yet to be counted are votes in California, Alaska, Colorado, Minnesota, and Utah.

In Vermont, Haley leads by one percentage point. It’s too close to call.

BREAKING: Trump and Biden prevail in Massachusetts

So far, the only really interesting race is in Vermont. Trump and Biden are sweeping in all the other contests.

BREAKING: Trump and Biden win Alabama, Tennessee, Maine and Oklahoma

Projections are, right now, flooding social media. But the reality is that there are no surprises: Trump and Biden are clearly dominating Super Tuesday. We’ll see if any competitive races emerge later in the day besides Vermont.

Competition in Vermont

Unlike Virginia and North Carolina, where Trump won clearly, Nikki Haley is proving more competitive in Vermont. With 11% of the votes counted, the former ambassador to the UN is less than two points behind the former president.

BREAKING: Here are the winners in North Carolina

Former President Donald Trump, following the predictions, has won the primary elections in North Carolina. President Biden did the same for the Democratic Party.

Meanwhile, Trump-backed Mark Robinson won the Republican primary for governor in North Carolina, where he currently serves as lieutenant governor. Josh Stein did the same for the Democratic side.

BREAKING: Biden prevails in Vermont

The Democratic president’s parade of victories continues. We are still watching for updates on the most important results of the day on the Republican side.

For now, the difference between Trump and Haley is remarkable in Vermont, with 2% of the votes counted: 63% against 34.8% in favor of the former president.

BREAKING NEWS: Trump wins in Virginia

Without giving room for speculation, former President Trump prevailed in Virginia, being projected by major media outlets as soon as the vote count began.

Former US President and 2024 presidential hopeful Donald Trump leaves after speaking at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) meeting on February 24, 2024, in National Harbor, Maryland. (Photo by Mandel NGAN / AFP)


BREAKING: Biden wins in Virginia

The president already confirmed his second win of the night. We are still awaiting results from the Republican side.

Joe Biden

Diseño sin título (2)

Closing of polls in Virginia and Vermont

In the northeastern United States, the polls have already closed in Virginia, neighboring Washington, D.C., and Vermont. Joe Biden’s victory is expected to be announced soon, and attention should be paid to both states since they represent two of the best opportunities for Haley to obtain a victory today.

Both Virginia and Vermont have an open election system that could benefit Haley.

What should we watch for in these primaries?

Although Biden and Trump are the grand favorites, there are several interesting topics to analyze on this Super Tuesday. An exciting report from Fox News highlights five key points:

1. The behavior of the highly educated Republican electorate, which tends to support Haley.

2. Voter behavior in Vermont, Massachusetts, and Maine, whose voters are most opposed to the MAGA movement.

3. The election in Virginia, a neighbor of Washington, D.C., where Haley achieved her first victory in the campaign.

4. Trump’s performance in Utah, where he lost by a wide margin in 2016. This state represents a good yardstick to measure how much the former president has reshaped the party.

5. Trump’s performance in the rural vote. More than 2,000 counties are voting today, and 84% are in rural areas.

BREAKING: Biden Wins Iowa

That’s right, as predicted, President Joe Biden has already won the Iowa caucuses quickly. As the night progresses, favorable results are expected to keep coming in for the president.

Taylor Swift is watching Super Tuesday

Despite being one of the Super Tuesdays with less political appeal in history, singer Taylor Swift, perhaps the most influential artist of the moment, sent a message about this election day.

“Today, March 5, is the Presidential Primary in Tennessee and 16 other states and territories. I wanted to remind you guys to vote the people who most represent YOU into power,” the singer wrote in an Instagram story. “If you haven’t already, make a plan to vote today.”

“Whether you’re in Tennessee or somewhere else in the US, check your polling places and times at vote.org,” she said.

What is the most important thing today?

All eyes are on whether Nikki Haley, former ambassador to the UN, can change former President Trump’s victorious course.

If Haley does not have a good day today, this race is virtually over, even for her supporters who have tried to give her momentum despite nine resounding defeats in this primary cycle.

In the Democratic races, it’s all too clear: President Joe Biden will win every single primary as the day progresses and the polls close.

What should you know about Super Tuesday?

This is the most decisive election day of the entire primary cycle. Voz Media has prepared a complete guide where we explain the details of the 15 most relevant elections, interesting facts and what is at stake on this Super Tuesday.
