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New low: Biden's approval rating plummets

The president begins 2024 with the backing of only 34% of Americans. Young people, Hispanics, independent voters and Republicans are the groups that most disapprove of his job performance.

US President Joe Biden holds a press conference during a solidarity visit to Israel, on October 18, 2023, in Tel Aviv, amid the ongoing battles between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Thousands of people, both Israeli and Palestinians have died since October 7, 2023, after Palestinian Hamas militants based in the Gaza Strip, entered southern Israel in a surprise attack leading Israel to declare war on Hamas in Gaza on October 8. (Photo by Brendan SMIALOWSKI / AFP)


President Joe Biden's approval rating sank to a new low in the first days of the year. Only 34% of Americans approve of his job performance as the country's leader, according to a new Civiqs survey.

Among the groups that reflected the most dissatisfaction with the president's work are: young people between 18 and 24 years old (26% approval); men (30%); whites (29%); Hispanics (39%); independent voters (23%) and Republican voters (2%).

In almost all the states of the country, the president has not exceeded 30% approval. So far, West Virginia is the state where Biden has the lowest approval rating (only 16%) followed by Idaho with 19%.

2024 Presidential elections: Trump has an advantage over Biden in seven of the key swing states

At Voz Media, we reviewed the data from Morning Consult on voting intentions by state for the 2024 presidential elections during the last few days of 2023. In the hypothetical case of a confrontation between Joe Biden and Donald Trump to reach the White House, the most likely scenario of all, the Republican candidate gains several points over the Democrat in seven key swing states for re-election.

The Republican victory in North Carolina, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania could become the key to a new term in the White House. In all of these states, Trump would get a higher percentage of votes than Biden.

Georgia and North Carolina would be the states in which Donald Trump would achieve the greatest difference in votes with the Democrat. In Georgia, according to Morning Consult's latest estimate, Trump leads Biden by six points, 49% versus 43%. In North Carolina the difference is nine points, another 49% against 40%.

A victory in Georgia would be crucial. If in the 2020 presidential elections, Trump lost by 0.2 points, he could repeat his triumph during the 2016 elections, when he took 5.2% from Hillary Clinton in that state.

Arizona, a state with a controversial outcome in the last elections due to incidents with the voting system in Maricopa County, is looking red in Morning Consult's estimates. There, Trump achieves 46% of the votes compared to 42%. He obtains similar results in Michigan.

In Pennsylvania, Trump also gets 46% of the vote estimate, but Biden is hot on his heels with 44%. Finally, Wisconsin is where he obtained the fewest votes, but with greater distance between him and Biden than in Pennsylvania: 45% compared to 41%.

Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are considered the great blue wall. The three states have voted in harmony for the same candidate since 1992. Statistically, if Trump wins in one of these states, he could also win in the other two, in the same way he did in 2016.
