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Bidengate: majority believes Biden "likely" guilty of influence peddling with foreign agents

69% consider this to be a "serious scandal" and 66% believe that the investigations into Hunter's business dealings involved the entire family, including the president.

La familia Biden celebra la victoria de Joe en las elecciones presidenciales de 2020.

(Cordon Press)

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A large majority (63%) of Americans consider it "likely" that President Joe Biden benefited from a "pay-to-play" scheme with foreign agents during his tenure as Vice President in the Obama Administration. For 69%, the allegations of influence peddling being investigated by a House of Representatives committee are "a serious scandal". In addition, slightly fewer (66%) believe the Hunter Biden case is an issue that affects the entire Biden family, "including the president."

This is according to a survey published by Rasmussen Reports, conducted between May 8-10. The poll noted that even a significant number of Democratic supporters (42%) consider it "likely" that the president committed this crime. The figure grows notably among independents (65%) and Republican voters (85%).

Even Democrats point fingers at Biden

In addition, 69% see these investigations as a "serious scandal". Among that overwhelming majority were nearly half of respondents who said they were Democrats (49%), 72% of independents and 88% of conservatives.

Finally, Rasmussen asked respondents whether they agreed that the Hunter Biden financial scandal "affects the entire Biden family, including the president." Again, the majority pointed the finger at the president, with 66% believing that it is indeed a family scandal. A resounding 43% of Democratic Party supporters also see the president implicated in the alleged crimes for which his son is being investigated.
