The University of Delaware received millions of dollars from China after opening the Biden Institute
According to the Government Accountability Institute, the Biden Center received around $6.7 million, part of which came directly from entities linked to China's communist government.

(Joe Biden / Cordon Press)
The University of Delaware (UD) received more than $6.7 million from Chinese donors following the opening of the Biden Institute. According to an analysis by the Government Accountability Institute, at least $1 million was donated by entities directly linked to the communist government. According to the investigation, until the current president's program began, the center had never received any money from China.
Less than two months after finishing his second term as vice president under Barack Obama, Joe Biden announced the founding of the Biden Institute at UD. Until now, the school had never received a cent from China. Within a year, Chinese donations skyrocketed, according to research published in Breitbart by Seamus Bruner, research director of the Government Accountability Institute.
Chinese entities donated $1M to the UD in 2020
The first payment came in April 2018 in the amount of $3,204,070 from an anonymous Chinese donor. In December of the same year, another Chinese donation, also anonymous, of $1,869,515 was received. A third contribution of $624,904 was donated in December 2019, also from an unknown donor in China.
Things got more serious in 2020, the year Biden was focused on the election that would ultimately take him to the White House. Three other donations of Chinese origin were received that year. Unlike the previous ones, they came from entities linked to the communist government. The sum of the three exceeded one million dollars ($1,005,761). Most of these were deposited after the current president won the election.
University of Pennsylvania's Chinese donations tripled after Biden Center opened
These payments from the communist country were discovered shortly after it became known that the University of Pennsylvania's donations from China tripled after the opening of the Biden Center. "In the three years prior to the announcement, the university received about $15 million. In the following three years, the total approached $40 million. This last figure rises to $60 million from China if contracts are included," said Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute and author of the book Web Handed. In his book, he analyzes the Biden family's lucrative ties as well as those of other members of the U.S. elite. with the Chinese communist government.
It was precisely at the Biden Center in Pennsylvania that the first batch of classified documents from Biden's time as vice president was found. The current president also kept more than 1,800 boxes of Biden's Senate files at UD. The university's management obstructed public requests to access and analyze these files. In fact, in June 2022, they were reprimanded by a judge because of their lack of transparency.