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DeSantis proposes death penalty for child rapists

Florida's governor is calling for an end to the unanimous jury requirement for capital punishment, stiffer penalties for fentanyl traffickers, and limits on prison benefits.

Ron DeSantis

Ron DeSantis (Gage Skidmore/Flickr)

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Florida Gov, Ron DeSantis, has proposed changes to the state's criminal code so that child rapists could be sentenced to death. He also indicated that the number of jurors required for capital punishment should be reduced. In addition, he also called for stiffer penalties for fentanyl trafficking and limited prison benefits for criminals.

"They (sexual predators) will do anything to satiate themselves at the expense of very, very vulnerable people. I believe the only appropriate punishment that would be commensurate to that would be capital punishment," DeSantis reasoned last Thursday during an event at the Miami Police Benevolent Association. In addition, he stressed that he is convinced that the Supreme Court will review the ruling that barred rapists from receiving a death sentence for this offense: "We understand that it will be challenged, but I think it's right for us to challenge a decision that was not well thought out, it was very narrowly decided," DeSantis said.

DeSantis: Minimum for child abuse, life imprisonment

But, as long as things remain as they are, the governor called on legislators to take a firmer stance against these crimes. Thus, he indicated that the minimum sentence for a convicted child molester should be life imprisonment. In addition, he called for an expansion of the list of sexual offenses that would delay the time for these criminals to receive prison benefits that could lead to their early release.

In addition, DeSantis again called for an end to the requirement of unanimity of a jury before a judge can apply the death penalty. To justify his position, DeSantis recalled the case of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland. Nikolas Cruz was found guilty of the murder of 17 people on that occasion. Although the death penalty was sought, Cruz was ultimately sentenced to life imprisonment after failing to get a unanimous jury vote.

"Preserving law and order in Florida."

In the final vote there were three "no´s" from the 12 members of the jury. However, the authorities acknowledged that only one of them was a resounding "no," while the other two would have voted in favor of the death penalty if unanimity could have been reached. "One juror should not be able to veto that, I don't think justice was served in that case. If you're going to have capital punishment, you have to administer it to the worst of the worst crimes," the governor reflected. To avoid such situations, DeSantis called for the establishment of a broad majority of 8 members out of the 12 established by law as the quorum necessary to apply capital punishment.

In addition, DeSantis also proposed harsher punishments for fentanyl traffickers when the drug is embedded in, or resembles candy; establish a more severe framework for bail laws, in order to limit who can take advantage of them and be released before their first appearance. It also recommended that the police alert the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System for all missing persons cases.
