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Neither Republicans nor Democrats want to see Trump v. Biden in 2024

DeSantis has broad support among conservative voters, while Democrats are torn between Buttigieg, Newsom or Sanders.

montaje de Joe Biden (izq.) y Donald Trump (dcha.) durante sendos discursos.

(Cordon Press).

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The majority of GOP and Democratic voters do not want to see a rerun of the 2020 presidential election in 2024. They would rather have new blood on the election ticket. Among conservatives, Ron DeSantis has a significant lead over others, while Democratic supporters are tossing around several names with no clear favorite.

According to an SSRS poll for CNN, 62% of Republican voters would prefer someone other than the former president for the next presidential election. Around 59% of Democrats are against Joe Biden running for re-election in 2024. However, most of the supporters of both parties recognize that, in the event that both prevail in the primaries, they would have their vote.

DeSantis is top-rated by Republican voters

Support for Trump's candidacy has been losing steam over time. In January 2022, another 50% of Republican voters favored Trump back in the White House, while 49% preferred someone else and 1% didn't care who the candidate was. In July, support went down to 44%, and now it has dropped to 38%. This data coincides with another survey conducted by Quinnipiac University, which reveals that the former president's popularity is at its lowest levels since 2015.

Among those who prefer another candidate to run for the presidency, Ron DeSantis' name tops the list. The Florida governor has the support of 38% of GOP supporters polled, while none of the other proposed names exceed 1% support among followers. According to this poll, DeSantis is currently more popular than Trump: 74% of conservative voters view the governor favorably, compared to just 7% who dislike him. In the case of the former president, his popularity is at 63%, while 28% of Republican supporters dislike him.

Pete Buttigieg is a favorite among Democrats

In the Democratic Party, support for Biden is on the rise after going down in the middle of the year, but is still lower than the support he had earlier in the year. In January, a CNN poll showed that 44% of supporters viewed him favorably. In June, however, it plunged to 25% before going up again to the current 40%.

Democratic supporters who would prefer another candidate have several names in mind, all with a similar percentage of support. On the top of the list is Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who has the backing of 5% of supporters. He is followed by California Governor Gavin Newsom and Senator Bernie Sanders at 4%. Vice President Kamala Harris has 3% and Senator Elizabeth Warren is at the bottom of the list with 2%.

The majority would disqualify Trump from running

Among how voters perceive the potential candidates, Biden comes out on top with a resounding 88% of respondents viewing him favorably, while 11% dislike him. Vice President Harris has a 66% approval rating and 14% are opposed. Newsom is next, far behind, with an approval rating of 45%. Approximately 9% dislike him and 46% said they don't know him well enough to have an opinion of him.

On the other hand, the Quinnipiac University poll notes that 51% of Americans believe Trump's comments about the Constitution should disqualify him as a potential candidate. This extreme is especially held by Democratic voters, with 86% agreeing. The majority of independents (52%) also believe that Trump should not be allowed to compete after his statements, while only 17% of Republicans would take him out of the electoral race.
