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Biden Administration waits for midterm to be completed before establishing relations with Maduro regime

The Venezuelan foreign minister assures that the rapprochements are taking place at the initiative of the current U.S. president.

(Cordon Press)

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Nicolás Maduro’s Foreign Minister assured during an interview broadcast on the Venezuelan public channel VTV, that the Biden Administration is waiting for the U.S. mid-term elections to take place in order to establish new relations between both nations.

"Midterm elections are expected in the United States. It is said that President Biden is waiting for that to happen and then, after that, he will be able to establish, in a clearer way, his relationship with our government. So we are waiting for that to happen," said Venezuelan Foreign Minister Carlos Faría.

The regime official explained that the rapprochement took place at the initiative of the U.S. Government, which seeks a "normalization in the energy exchange and in the reestablishment of cooperation in that area, because it is in its interest at this time.”

"President Nicolás Maduro said that we are ready to reestablish that cooperation, because that, of course, would open the conditions and the doors so that work could begin on the normalization of the political as well," Faría explained.

In recent months the Biden Administration has made a series of rapprochements to Nicolás Maduro’s dictatorship. In March, the United States and several Venezuelan representatives held a meeting, and in June of this year Washington sent a high-level delegation to Caracas.

Breakdown of relations between Venezuela and the U.S.

The Maduro regime broke off relations with the United States in 2019, after Donald Trump's administration recognized Juan Guaidó as interim president. In this regard, the dictator said: "Today they ate the light; that is why I announce before the peoples and free nations of the world that as constitutional president, head of state and head of government, in compliance with my duties, which I swore to respect and enforce, that Venezuela breaks diplomatic, political and economic relations with the imperialist government of the United States.”

However, this year Washington eased sanctions related to the Venezuelan oil sector, and lifted the sanctions imposed by the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control on Carlos Erik Malpica Flores, nephew of Cilia Flores -who is Maduro's wife. This measure was adopted in July 2017 amid suspicions of serious corruption.

Maduro has supporters in the United States who are in charge of sweetening the image of his administration and distorting what is happening in Venezuela. "There is an important sector of the Democratic Party, commanded by leftist leaders, which is still whitewashing the image of the regime", said Miguel Henrique Otero, journalist and president of the Venezuelan newspaper El Nacional, in an interview given to Voz Media a few months ago.
