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Democrats seek to reconnect with voters by accusing GOP of being "extremist"

The Democratic National Committee coordinates with the White House and Democratic organizations in each state.

Jaime Harrison, senador por

Jaime Harrison, presidente del Congreso Nacional Demócrata. Foto: Cordonpress

The mid-term elections will be held on November 8. Based on the polls, the GOP will most likely take control of both houses. According to FiveThirtyEight, there is a 48% chance that the GOP will control both Houses, to 16% that the opposite will occur. On the other hand, the other 36% chance is that the Democratic Party will retain control of the Senate, and the Republicans will retain control of the House of Representatives.

In addition, President Joe Biden is the most unpopular president in 75 years, the economic crisis is already looming, and the White House's attempt to redefine the definition of the word "recession" has little appeal. Nancy Pelosi, Democratic leader in the House of Representatives, is the most unpopular politician in America.

Concern in the Democratic Party is evident, and they are looking for a way to turn the polls around to reconnect with voters. Edward Isaac Dovere, on CNN's website, reports on the Democrats' deep concern and on the strategy they will follow to win majority support.

"They are extremists"

The situation forces them to coordinate a joint message to the American people. But as reported by CNN, it is not a message of illusion and proposals for the country's challenges, but rather "a multitude of Democratic leaders and candidates in some of the closest races are asking party leaders, including President Joe Biden, to focus on singling out Republicans as 'extremists'".

The report cites analysis offered by Democratic Senator Brian Schatz of Hawaii. Schatz believes that "Democrats would be irresponsible, both morally and politically, if we were to just go along with the same old line (...) about improving infrastructure." No. What they need to focus their message on is the fact that the Republican Party could win the election, which will allow them to "really act with impunity." The Republicans are "out of their minds, and we have to say so".

"Do you really want to vote for that person?"

The strategy of accusing the other party of being extremist is designed to obtain the support of citizens who change their voting direction. Especially those who are "suburbanites, graduates and, in general, women". They refer to those who, for example, voted for Biden in 2020 but voted for Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin in 2021.

CNN quotes a political strategist working for House Democrats. His message to the voter would be, "I understand you're frustrated, everything sucks. But that person (referring to a Republican candidate) thinks you can't get pregnant from rape. That person believes in QAnon.... I know you don't like Democrats, but do you really want to vote for that person?".

"Dangerous" and "threatening".

So the Democratic National Committee "is coordinating with the state parties" to push the same message. They will use words like "dangerous" or "threatening" to refer to the Republican Party. The party has also coordinated with the White House.

The information mentions the strategies that some candidates already have. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) is proud of her efforts to make gas cheaper, but has agreed to take on the strategy of saying Republicans are "extremists." Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) is an advanced student: he already uses that expression.
