Ted Cruz denounces Biden's inaction on "slave trade" at the border
The Republican senator publishes a shocking video showing the harsh reality of illegal immigration mafias.

(Oficina del senador Ted Cruz)
Ted Cruz has released a video in which he blasts the Biden Administration for "ignoring the slave trade on the southern border." The Republican senator from Texas says "Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are responsible for the worst plague of slavery in America since the Civil War."
The hard-hitting video shows the bodies of migrants who did not survive the border crossing, including that of a father and son lying face down in the water just as they reach land. "These kids come in indebted to the vicious cartels: thousands and thousands of dollars," Cruz notes in the video. "Teenagers work for gangs in every city in the United States. And teenage girls live a hell worse than that, with too many of them trafficked into sex slavery," the senator charges.

Ted Cruz at the border
"This is not compassionate. This is not humane. This is barbaric," denounces Ted Cruz, who has shared these images to alert of the dramatic situation that immigrants are living.
A Noticias Telemundo investigation reveals that drug cartels kidnap families both before and after crossing the border. Once kidnapped, the migrants have to hand over their cell phones and are forced to contact their families for ransom. If they do not pay, photographs of the raped or beaten victims are sent to the families.
Record immigration... and record deaths
More than 600 migrants have died at the southern border in 2022. In the last 9 months (since the beginning of the fiscal year last October), the previous year’s record of 566 dead bodies has been surpassed.
The U.S. -Mexico border is the deadliest land crossing in the world, according to the latest report from the United Nations International Organization for Migration. In 2021, more than 1,238 lives were lost during migration in the Americas. At least 728 of these deaths occurred at the U.S.-Mexico border crossing.
Customs and Border Protection sources indicate that, at this rate, "encounters" with migrants will exceed two million this year. This is a situation that several Texas counties are calling an invasion while awaiting a reaction from the federal government that is not forthcoming.