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Biden's approval sinks in every states in the country

The president's rating is at lows four months out from the midterm elections. Trump was more popular than Biden at this point in the term.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden (manhhai-Flickr)

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President Joe Biden's net approval rating falls below average in 44 of the nation's 50 states in the second quarter of the year. This indicator, which reflects those who approve of his job performance subtracting those who disapprove, reveals that Biden's approval ratings in the quarter are lower than Trump's four years ago.

According to the latest Morning Consult poll, with four months to go before the midterm elections, Trump's net approval rating was lower in 27 states compared to 44 states where Biden is now. Biden's negative approval ratings are widespread across the country, including in states that will be key to the Democrat party's hopes of maintaining control of both houses on Capitol Hill.

Thus, among states that proved vital to Biden's Electoral College victory in 2020 and that host key Senate and House races in November - Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin - just 2 in 5 voters approve of his job performance. The poll notes that Democrats face a tougher environment than the GOP did in 2018, when it lost 40 House seats but managed to add Senate seats.

Voter flees Biden, "increasingly to the left".

Overall, according to the poll, Biden is doing worse across the country than at the start of his presidency among independents, but the biggest loss of support is among voters in his own party. National survey data collected by Morning Consult indicate that Biden's approval rating among Democrats (77%) is lower than Trump's among Republicans (85%) in a period identical to four years ago. The comparison is worse for Biden when taking into account the low support of his base: 38% of Democrats "strongly approve" of his job performance, compared with 51% of Republican voters who said the same of Trump in 2018.

That erosion among moderate and conservative Democrats aligns with Morning Consult trend data showing that since the end of Biden's 2020 campaign and the beginning of his presidency so far, the median voter has become more likely to place Biden further to the left on an ideological scale.

A closer examination of the ideological factional makeup of the Democratic voter base reveals that race and ethnicity, as well as educational attainment and the types of communities in which these voters live, may be driving some of the dissolution among those who do not identify as progressives.

States disapprove of Biden's performance

Another Civiqs poll reveals that there are hardly any states left that approve of Biden's performance. Only in Hawaii and Vermont is the percentage of approval higher than disapproval. In the other 48 states, the president's decline is unstoppable. Disapproval percentages above 70% stand out in states such as Idaho, Kentucky, Oklahoma, West Virginia, Wyoming and North Dakota.

The Civiqs poll shows that a whopping 58% disapprove of Biden's performance. As for the division by race or ethnicity, the president only approves among African-Americans. Only 37% of Hispanics approve of his performance compared to 48% who disapprove of the president's work.
