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AMLO request more work visas from Biden

Mexican President believes that more immigration permits will help address economic crisis

Joe Biden y AMLO

File photo (USEmbassyMEX- Flickr)

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Mexican President Manuel López Obrador will request more visas for workers who wish to migrate to the United States. The Aztec leader informed before his meeting with Joe Biden that he seeks "legal and optional migration", as well as ordering the flow for those who wish to migrate to the US. "If we want to face the economic crisis, we have to produce. Inflation can originate circumstantially from the pandemic, from the war, but structurally it has to do with the lack of production," AMLO explained in a press release on Monday.

The meeting between Joe Biden and AMLO will take place today in Washington, D.C., in the context of an unprecedented immigration crisis facing the United States. Four South Texas counties denounced that the wave of illegal immigrants on the border with Mexico is harming families, businesses and local governments. A few days ago, the news of the 53 immigrants who lost their lives suffocated inside a truck that was abandoned in San Antonio Texas shocked the world. "These unfortunate events, which have to do with the situation of poverty, happen because there is also human trafficking and lack of controls", said López Obrador when he learned of the facts.

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López Obrador detailed that he will propose common measures because Mexico is "the second largest trading partner of the United States" and will talk about investment opportunities in his country. On the other hand, AMLO referred in good terms to U.S. agents operating on Mexican soil: "There is cooperation, but the sovereignty of our country is respected, and Biden has understood this, and we have to recognize and thank him for it".

In 2021 Mexico established restrictions for agents of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in its territory, among other things by stating that "Foreign agents who commit crimes or infractions by violating legal provisions that prohibit them from exercising functions reserved to Mexican authorities will not enjoy any type of immunity".
