America, United
What is at stake is nothing more and nothing less than the pride of being an American or being ashamed to be one.

(Public Domain Pictures - Jean Beaufort)
North America, unlike Europe, did not evolve from a people, that is, a nation, to a nation-state. Or, as they say nowadays, to a national state. While Spain, for example, existed as a people and as a nation before the Catholic Monarchs, it was under the Catholic Monarchs that it was endowed with a State as its sole juridical-administrative apparatus. On the contrary, America will be built on the basis of the pre-existing states -the founding states- which will decide on which political structure to build the American nation -the founding States, which will decide on which political structure to build the American nation: federal or confederal.
It may seem trivial or a purely academic exercise to bring up such a distinction, but in practice it is not. A nation is a people with a common past, based on its own traditions and customs, on a defined territory, and which also shares a destiny, that is, an idea of where it wants to go. In old Europe, all this baggage was carried naturally, after centuries of coexistence. In America, everything was newThe population has very diverse origins, different languages, different religious sentiments, different memories and experiences. However, they were united by the same desire to escape from European tyrannies and monarchies and to fend for themselves. Hence, while the Founding Fathers knew and were able to agree on the political form that would govern them after their independence, they could not envision the creation of their own national history.
In fact, the United States of America will develop in parallel two national histories, that of the North and that of the South, which will only and badly merge with the bloody civil war and the defeat of the Confederates. And I say "badly" because with the rise of Critical Race Theory and the consequent stigmatization and condemnation of everything that smells white, there are those who have vainly tried, as the New York TimesIn the same year, the celebrated July 4, 1776, the day of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, was changed to August 1619, the month in which the first slave ship arrived in the Americas. That is, in the face of a history of progress, modernization and international leadership, of struggle for equal rights, of development of the middle classes, of access to education, they want to impose another alternative vision, based exclusively on the darkest facts of any nation. And in this particular case, the birth in the original sin of slavery. Two opposite ways of looking at America's past and absolutely opposed to each other in order to carry forward a common project towards the future.
We need to think very carefully about who represents the values of a united America - of economic development, technological innovation, freedom of the individual and smaller government - for the future and who embodies the values of racial hatred, anti-life feminism, sexual confusion, more state and more taxes.
The American left has succeeded, especially since indoctrination in the universities, in making elements of self-hatred prevalent over patriotic pride. All the ills of the world, from poverty to tyranny, are due to something America has or has not done. And it's not just a racial issue where anything that's not black doesn't matter. A direct attack on the traditional family, father, mother and children, has also been sustained. Moreover, socialism has launched a crusade against the economic essence of America, free enterprise and the market, relying on the flaws of neoliberalism and crony capitalism (crony capitalism), which has always placed the interests of large corporations above those of citizens and which makes it more difficult to realize the American dream, where those who are worthy and make an effort succeed.
In this situation, the Hispanic population takes on a new relevance: educated in the tradition of its origins, with the family at the center of its social life, it is a natural retaining wall against the disaggregation and tribalization with which the left intends to dominate the country. True, the English language must be adopted, because language also gives meaning and defines what a nation is, but that is an acceptable price to pay in exchange for greater social and political importance. America is divided between progressivism and traditionalism. We know the defects of traditionalism and how to adapt it to the challenges of the 21st century. We know that progressivism has not worked anywhere and that it always, despite the tempting siren songs, leads to more poverty, fewer freedoms, more intolerance and the submission of the individual and the family to elites who think they know everything but who, in reality, only protect their own interests.
The future of America is at a crossroads. We need to think very carefully about who represents the values of a united America - of economic development, technological innovation, freedom of the individual and smaller government - for the future and who embodies the values of racial hatred, anti-life feminism, sexual confusion, more state and more taxes. What is at stake is nothing more and nothing less than the pride of being an American or being ashamed to be one. That's why it's all about making the right choice.
Rafael L. Bardají, political strategist.