Against the Tide: Why Trump won back the heart of America
The Democratic Party's actions had left many U.S. citizens feeling humiliated. Signs of a Trump victory were proclaimed well before Biden withdrew from the race. The voters had had enough.

West Palm Beach Convention Center celebrates Trump's victory.
Trump has finally returned to the White House—a rerun of 2016, but even more decisive. He has not only secured more than the necessary electoral votes but also won the popular vote and both houses of Congress. This time, the American people chose to avoid risks, turning out in massive numbers to support the man most despised by the establishment. How could the crazy Trump win a second term? By being the sanest option Americans had to choose from.
When Joe Biden came to power in 2020, exultant CNN commentators congratulated themselves that "the grown-ups were back in the room." But before long, Americans realized how big a scam those "grown-ups" were, and four years later, they simply turned their backs on them.
The reasons are plain to see: the Biden-Harris management generated inflation that has left prices 25% higher than in 2019. Many impoverished citizens could not afford to vote for Harris. Trump gendered the hope for prosperity and nostalgia for the pre-pandemic economy of his last presidency, when the stock market soared and unemployment fell to historic lows. Under Joe Biden, Americans suffered.
"Biden became the world's first woke, most fanatical and irrational president."
But the economy is not the only determining factor. In four years of Democratic foreign policy, the world resembles a volcano in permanent eruption. The Democrats were indolent, incompetent and often complicit in the development of the worst international conflicts. The wars in Europe and the Middle East, the impending conflicts in Taiwan, the growth of the China-Russia alliance and the botched exit from Afghanistan are just a handful of examples. Today, the prospects of a World War III are a matter of daily concern.
The other key factor has been the illegal border crossings, which reached the highest level on record, benefiting the spread of organized crime in a way that will be very difficult to combat in the future. The Democratic administration rolled out the red carpet for the worst narco-mafias to set up shop in the richest country in the world. Rarely has a more damaging malpractice been seen.
The collapse of President Woke
One of the promises Democrats employed in 2020 was to appear normal, reliable and solid in the face of a fickle, pandemic-ravaged Trump. Joe Biden was portrayed as someone stable, who counted on the reassurance of knowing and managing the pegs of the deep state. But the masquerade was soon revealed, this was a senile president, who did not manage the deep state but on the contrary, was its puppet. Immediately, Biden began to govern as a parody of himself.
And the Deep State was quick to impose its agenda, the haste was obscene. Day one showed Biden signing a series of executive orders to promote the insane dogma of woke ideology: regulations to institutionalize the supremacist creeds of critical race theory and gender ideology, which soon dominated the federal bureaucracy. They hadn't even finished settling into the White House and were already allocating funds for race- and gender-based anti-Covid policies. Biden became the world's first woke president, the most bigoted and irrational. His Administration was the bastion of the hysterical turn of the radicalized elites that plagued the world in recent years.
One of the most explosive issues for the left in this campaign was the increase in minority support for Trump, which grew in the preferences of the Hispanic and black vote, a factor that likely tipped his campaign toward victory. This has shaken the foundations of the Democratic Party and its prejudices about the "minority vote," as well as the dominant progressive identitarian ideology. Apparently the victimized collectives managed by the left prioritize the same issues as the white voters the left so often disparages. The political premises of Wokism have begun to crumble and no one is eager to see themselves as a structural victim in need of a paternalistic left to protect them. The overuse of condescension in this campaign has been counterproductive.
The concerns of ordinary people, no matter their skin color, sexual preference, age or creed, do not fit with the concerns of progressive elites. Instead, ordinary people are concerned about rising food, housing or energy prices. Ordinary people are concerned about rising crime, about the impunity of criminals to do anything from squatting, raping, killing, stealing, and turning public space into a toilet and open-air bordello. Under the Biden-Harris Administration the federal government lost control of the border, not just the border states. The U.S. has become the promised land for criminals and terrorists.
Added to this cocktail, Biden's mind-boggling physical deterioration, plunged the country into a spiral of bewilderment and outrage. Who was at the helm when it was evident that the president was no longer aware of his actions? The humiliation to which the Democratic Party subjected the American citizens was immense. The conditions for a Trump victory were shaped long before Biden dropped out of the race. Voters had had enough.
"Without knowing it, global progressivism transformed Trump into a contemporary hero."
When it all fell apart after the Trump-Biden debate, the Democratic Party insulted its voters again, this time by installing Kamala Harris as its nominee. Harris took Biden's place with the arrogance of the ignorant. She tried to get to the White House with good vibes, laughing about everything and anything, and promising everything to everyone, however contradictory this might be, with insolvency and sentimentality perfectly stamped on her famous phrase: "What can be, unburdened by what has been."
The coastal elites pretended to be in love with a candidate who claimed to be black, self-proclaimed Indian and self-perceived as a poor victim racialized by the imperial system. No one contrasted the lies of the millionaire and privileged phony who was a political nullity incapable of winning a vote. And the media made matters worse by treating her with cotton wool, being so overwhelmingly biased that they may have contributed to her defeat.
Trump: Resilience, nostalgia and hope
Trump ran a more or less disciplined campaign, considering the circumstances and the assassination attempts that colored the race. He had his usual self-inflicted wounds, it seems that at this age he is no longer going to change or perhaps no one thinks it is convenient to do so. Voters have learned to distinguish between his jokes, his offensive hyperbole, his jabs and his serious comments, between what Trump says without a filter and what Trump might actually do. People distinguish the myth from the man far better than the progressive intelligentsia.
The old Republican vote has evolved into a coalition of middle and lower class, without too many identity distinctions, oblivious to the racialized and delusional caricatures fabricated by a crazed left that did nothing but divide and confront society. Trumpism today has a large base.
Finally, the man with the worst press in the history of mankind, who has been insulted in every possible way, demonized to the point of exhaustion and tried in every court of law for the most improbable causes has managed to survive the wrath of the elites. Without knowing it, world progressivism transformed him into a contemporary hero. Attempts to crush him by any means have aggrandized his insurgent status.
In pursuing the fallen Trump in 2020, Democrats became cartoonishly vindictive. Their ongoing comparisons to dictators, the Russiagate and Laptopgate revelations, his permanent cancellation, the criminal charges against him, exposed Trump's resilience. Claims that Trump will become a vindictive dictator who will use the judicial system as a weapon against his opponents seem ludicrous because it was the Democrats who spent the last few years using the judicial system as a weapon against him.
The Democrats who were coming in 2020 to be temperate, rational and normal were the most inept, delusional, vindictive, irrational and illiberal collective in the world. Curiously, a senile Biden, a meritless inconsequential Kamala and a Democratic Party rotten to the bone succeeded in making Trump the sane, sensible and normal choice; the most palatable to voters fed up with a disturbed, authoritarian, reality-divorced and brutally anti-freedom establishment.
Voters viewed Trump with nostalgia and hope. So they decided to give him another chance.