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The humiliation of Iran and its allies will continue so long as they insist on trying to wipe Israel off of the map

The regime of the ayatollahs, along with their accomplices, will continue to commit the worst atrocities of any conflict committed by a country. Meanwhile the UN continues to talk about climate change.

Imagen de archivo publicada por las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel (FDI) el 10 de diciembre de 2023 que muestra la continuación del combate de las FDI contra Hamás en la Franja de Gaza.

Israeli soldiers in GazaCordon Press.

Israel continues to strike hard at the puppet terrorist organizations of Iran. In a short time, it has eliminated the entire top leadership of Hezbollah in Lebanon, including Hassan Nasrallah, and two and perhaps three of the most important figures of Hamas: Yahya Sinwar, Ismail Haniyeh and probably Mohammed Deif.

These assassinations, added to the effective Operation Beeper in Lebanon and all the terrorists Israel eliminated in different offensives, have done nothing but humiliate Hezbollah, Hamas, and of course, Iran, the ringleader of these Islamist groups.

These were not the only humiliations suffered by Iran, of course, since we cannot forget that an important commander of the Revolutionary Guard was killed in an operation in a building adjacent to the Iranian consulate in Syria and that Haniyeh lost his life when an explosive went off under his bed in Tehran. Who perpetrated these attacks? So far no one has claimed responsibility for them, but we can all make an educated guess.

The regime of the ayatollahs, in its eagerness to counteract such humiliations, decided to attack Israel on two occasions without causing much damage. Only one person was killed: a Palestinian.

We can't forget the Houthis, of course, who dared to launch missiles and drones against Israel, which resulted in forceful responses from the IDF that damaged their terrorist infrastructure in Yemen.

Israel is here to stay, whether Iran, its proxies, the UN, Rashida Tlaib, Ilan Omar or whoever likes it or not. Its military, moral and intelligence superiority over its enemies is indisputable, perhaps because it is in survival mode.

The genocidal aspirations of its neighbors will be of no use. On the contrary, they will only cause more damage to the population of the countries where they are located and to themselves, of course. Their leaders are falling like a house of cards. Every day people wake up wondering which terrorist Israel has killed and sent to its 72 virgins this time.

Therefore, Iran, together with its terrorist allies in the region, especially in Gaza and Lebanon, have two choices: lose power and surely lives, or else stay in leadership and they will be able to enjoy the endorsement of much of the international community to continue oppressing and robbing their own population. No one will bother them, since Israel would not be involved in the matter. As you know, "no jews, no news."

In other words, Iran, along with its allies, will be able to continue to commit the worst atrocities in any internal conflict or against any country, other than Israel, while the UN will continue to talk about the climate.

The ayatollahs will be able to continue murdering women wearing the veil, or torturing and killing homosexuals and people with a critical spirit, as is done in Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen, etc. They will have nothing to worry about, as they will not get any attention from much of the international community; no repudiation.

What's more, they will even be able to continue teaching moral lessons at the UN while receiving the affection and support of their best friend, the UN Secretary General António Guterres.

Of course, it will be better for them not to mess with Israel again, not even to throw a stone that crosses a millimeter into Israeli territory if they want to keep their power and their heads on their shoulders. The Jewish State has decided not to listen to the terrorists' allies in the UN, the European Union or the International Criminal Court because it has no suicidal intentions like the European governments that have let their own Islamist murderer into the continent.

Nothing and no one will make Israel disappear. If anything, it is whoever dares mess with the Jewish State that risks extinction, because the Israelis have made the decision to speak the language that is understood in the Middle East: force, and are no longer thinking only of the short term. In this way, Israel has managed to reach peace agreements with Arab countries throughout its history; agreements that if it had lost a single war it would never have achieved.

The symbol of the IDF has a sword and an olive branch, whose meaning is clear: Israel is prepared for war and for peace, for which it always has its hand outstretched. The decision of which side will be evident is up to its enemies.

The international community also has two paths to choose from: stop worrying about how Israel defends itself from those who want to make it disappear and start worrying about the victims of the barbaric regimes they shelter today, or continue as before despite the catastrophic results that are in sight.

Israel is not willing to listen to moral lessons from immoral and cowardly people for the simple fact that it is not willing to commit suicide. The victory in this Second War of Independence will be as resounding or more resounding than the first.

After October 7, we can repeat again and again: 'Never again' is right now.
