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All Americans Must Stand!

The weaponization of the legal system to advance any political agenda, let alone a radical political agenda, is not just political persecution – it is un-American.

Donald Trump, ex presidente de EEUU

(Gage Skidmore-Flickr)


The weaponization of the legal system to advance any political agenda, let alone a radical political agenda, is not just political persecution – it is un-American. Those who hate President Trump, hate American values. They hate you, and they hate me. They hate patriotism – and they do not care whether you are Republican, Democrat or Independent. They have an agenda.

The radical left Trump persecutors have already weaponized the FBI, CIA and DOJ against this outsider who threatens to expose their one-world order ideology, the unnecessary bureaucracy of the federal government, and the unjust enrichment of so many of our life-long politicians no matter their political party. It is clear that there is a segment of the leadership in our country that are terrified that Donald Trump will pull back the curtain and expose the corruption and cronyism that has been allowed to fester and grow in our federal government.

Our very Bill of Rights is under attack. Do not kid yourself. General Flynn, Trump’s National Security Advisor, was purposely picked off first. Why? He was part of the intelligence community, he knew the players, and he understood how the intelligence agencies within our government worked. He had to go. The Trump persecutors actually convinced innocent Americans that Donald Trump was a Russian asset. People actually believed that. It was a lie. The J6 protestors were held without due process. It is shocking to me that so few people spoke out against that. They impeached a President over a phone call with the leader of a corrupt country in a kangaroo court made for TV drama. They invaded President Trump’s personal residence over documents routinely kept by former Presidents. Do not even get me started about the 2020 election and the cessation of voting at the same time on Election night in five, critical swing counties. Now a Soros-backed New York State District Attorney who campaigned on the promise to “Get Trump”, has indicted, for the first time, a former and beloved President over a minor misdemeanor that the former district attorney, department of justice and federal prosecutors declined to prosecute because the case was so weak. It is embarrassing. But it is so much more than that. It is an attack on and an abomination of the rule of law upon which our freedoms are based.

So the question is – WHEN ARE WE GOING TO STOP THIS?! Donald Trump is no longer just a former President, a successful businessman, or a father. He is no longer just a man. President Trump is now a symbol of the average citizen of the United States who is constantly being bludgeoned by the strong arm of our federal government. This is exactly what the Founders of our country were terrified could happen, and it is what our ancestors left their homeland to escape. Whether or not you are a Trump supporter, you must stand for him because standing for him is standing for America, for our Republic, for the rule of law, and for our very existence as we know it. We must stand for ourselves, we must stand for our children, and we must stand for our grandchildren. The stakes have never been greater. AMERICANS of all political persuasion, ethnicity, gender, and religious belief must peacefully stand together. If you do not stand now, you may not get a chance to stand later. The time is now. We must rise to the occasion. Let us stand together peacefully to protect and preserve the greatest nation this earth has ever known.

We cannot let them win. If they do, the Republic is gone.
