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Calamitous Obama, Fetterman the Faker and the Unrecognizable Party

"John Fetterman, who makes Joe Biden look like Socrates," is an unusual candidate...much to the disgrace of the Democrat establishment, who would like everyone to be like him.

(Cordon Press)

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Barack Obama and Joe Biden

Barack Obama y Joe Biden

Obama won't get you votes

In this campaign, there have been many Democrat candidates who have distanced themselves from the president (is he, really?) Biden for fear of being punished at the polls by voters fed up with the man who is making Jimmy Carter look good. And they have entrusted their fate to Barack Obama. That's not going to work out well for them! Saint Barack Hussein is not the way to win votes:

Demolishing Mark Thiessen, The Washington Post, from Wednesday, Nov. 2:

In fact, Obama presided over the loss of more House, Senate, state legislative and governors' seats than any president in U.S. history.
At the end of Obama's term, Democrats held fewer elected offices nationwide than at any time since the 1920s.

Obama, in short, made about 8.4 million Americans who had voted for him turn their backs on Democrats and fall into the arms of Donald Trump.



One million Fettermans

"John Fetterman, who makes Joe Biden look like Socrates," is an unusual candidate...much to the disgrace of the establishment of the Democrat party, which would like everyone to be like him, a phony –please read Salena Zito!– and a puppet.

Corrosive Robert Spencer, FrontPage Magazine, on Tuesday the 1st:

John Fetterman doesn’t have to be able to speak. He doesn’t have to be able to understand arguments. He doesn’t even have to be able to form coherent thoughts. What John Fetterman has to be able to do is move, breathe, show up, and vote the way Chuck Schumer tells him to voteThat’s all. The Democrats haven’t pressured Fetterman to withdraw because they’re likely salivating at the prospect of having a man like him in the Senate: a reliable vote, a compliant party man, not someone who is even capable of stepping out of line and going off the reservation.


If the Democrats could find a way to keep him voting after shuffling off this mortal coil, he would remain in the Senate even after death. For the Left, John Fetterman’s glaringly obvious impairment is not a bug, it’s a feature.


Voting Democrat? Don't count me in

Adam B. Coleman was the kind of "moderate Democrat" who "vote[d] blue no matter who" ran. Not anymore. "I don't recognize that Democrat party anymore," he says. "The party I used to support stood for liberal values like free speech & now pushes harder and harder for censorship," he says on his Substack page. And he never gets tired of condemning it; in fact, he is is a J'accuse in every way:

If you told me 6 years ago that the official Democrat party position, even echoed by a Democrat president, was that mutilating children is not only acceptable but desirable and that if you reject it you're a bigot, I would have thought you were insane. Yet here we are.
Today, the pro-choice element of being on the the left has gone into an extreme area of being pro-abortion.
When parents showed up at school board meetings because perversion was appearing in their children's school classrooms and libraries, the Democrats were doing everything possible to label concerned parents as bigots for doing exactly what a parent is supposed to do.
Another huge matter to me was the management of all things COVID-related. (...) The Democrats were the main perpetrators of lockdown tyranny and COVID propaganda to smear anyone who even asked a question about what was going on around us.
I would love to have two common-sense, viable political parties to fight over but from my view, there is only one that is even remotely close to common sense. There is only one that isn't enforcing perversion on our children. I have no choice but to vote for them.
Lastly, the people who want to infer that me being black, I shouldn't vote for Republicans: spare me.

Now that you have read this, are you surprised that Adam B. Coleman is the author of a book called Black Victim to Black Victor?

