Forbes: two Hispanics among the 25 richest people in the world
The publication unveiled the list of the people with the most money on the planet. Mexico's Carlos Slim Helú and Spain's Amancio Ortega are in eighth and thirteenth place, respectively.

(Voz Media / WikiCommons / Cordon Press),
Forbes magazine unveiled the list of people with the most money on the planet and there are two Hispanics among the 25 richest people in the world. Mexico's Carlos Slim Helú and Spain's Amancio Ortega occupy, respectively, eighth and thirteenth place on the list.
Carlos Slim Helú has a fortune that amounts to 93 billion dollars. The tycoon owns América Móvil, the pan-Latin American mobile telephone firm, whose shares are traded on Wall Street. As reported by the publication, the company's shares rose 14% last year. This worked out to a nearly $12 billion increase in worth, placing the tycoon among the ten richest people in the world. He had previously held a position within the top 10, but lost it in 2019.
Amancio Ortega ranks thirteenth. The Spaniard, who ranked first in 2015, is now just outside of the top 10. However, the empire he created, Inditex, is doing well. According to the publication, the shares rose 39% in the last year. Thus, "revenues in the year to January 31, 2023 increased by 18%" and the tycoon managed to accumulate a fortune, during last year alone, of 35 billion. The net value of his wealth, according to the publication, amounts to 77.3 billion dollars.
Elon Musk's status also stands out. In Forbes most recent list, he drops back to second place and loses his standing as the world's richest man. The purchase of Twitter last October caused his fortune to fall and, as of March 10, the tycoon had a total of $180 billion.
Therefore, first place is taken by Frenchman Bernald Arnault. The owner of the LVMH group (which includes Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior and Tiffany & Co., among others) has accumulated a fortune of 211 billion dollars, making him the richest man on the planet.