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Meet Mauro Stendel: The eccentric millionaire who bothers the Argentinian government from the U.S.

This young entrepreneur from Argentina demonstrates that the American dream is still possible in the United States.

El emprendedor argentino Mauro Stendel.

Meet Mauro Stendel: The eccentric millionaire who bothers the Argentinian government from the U.S.

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Mauro Stendel was born in Argentina but left the country at a very young age. He served in an elite unit of the Israeli army and later managed to amass a fortune in the United States. Followed by hundreds of thousands of people on social media, he explains how to achieve success in life and speaks out harshly against populist economic interventionism.

Stendel was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina 27 years ago. In an interview with the Argentinian newspaper El Cronista, he said that he left Argentina 10 years ago due to the lack of opportunities, moving to Israel to fulfill his dream of serving in the Army of the Jewish State. He did so in none other than the elite Duvdevan brigade, tasked with conducting special operations against Palestinian terrorists in Judea and Samaria (West Bank). In fact, Stendel is a spokesperson for the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces and donated a college scholarship to an Israeli soldier.

After his time in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), where he participated in several anti-terrorist operations, he decided to embark on a new mission and settle in the United States. He came with only $500 to his name. In an interview with Forbes the young man stated: "I would set aside $20 a week to eat; I would train and at dawn I would go to the gym to shower –which was $10 a month– because I didn't have a home. At night he slept in a car." However, he did not let the adversity stop him: "I had many dreams to fulfill."

Stendel had the idea to start his own business and was not willing to give up despite the difficult times he experienced in the U.S. According to Forbes, he worked remodeling houses and raised money to invest in his initial ventures in online sales.

Currently, as he reported in a video on his Twitter account, he has 127 online stores, although he also invests in several other businesses. The young man went from living in a car to having a life of luxury. He lives in a costly apartment in Miami and drives a Lamborghini.

Stendel has achieved far and away the goals he set for himself, ones that he would never be able to achieve in Argentina, where success is demonized and parasitism is rewarded. For this reason, his main goal now is to make people (mainly Argentines) understand that it is possible to be successful in life, but only if one can get rid of the toxic ideas that prevail in his native country, both in politics and education. Stendel gives lectures and trainings to teach young people how to become entrepreneurs, explaining the asphyxiating regulations that have ruined Argentina how destructive they are. His native country is one that he loves so much but which he felt he had to flee in order to prosper.

Americans should be alert to the message of this enterprising Argentinean, and any move by his government in the direction of Argentine populism should be stopped immediately.

The successful businessman, a charismatic young man with a strong character, has gained almost 30,000 followers on Twitter and more than 295,000 on Instagram. He recently decided to hold a contest on social media for people of Argentinian nationality. He will sponsor the traveling expenses for two months of someone trying to leave Argentina and search for a better life. In doing so, he is putting his money where his mouth is and showing that the ideas he is advocating can lead to positive results, not just for him, but for anyone who is willing to give it a try. Stendel already chose the young man who will be able to live a unique experience in life, and, true to his style, he did not hesitate to send a spicy message to President Alberto Fernandez: "I can't save all the kids, but I can give Gabo the tools to transform his life. You can't even cut Cristina [Kirchner]'s phone, and you play the President, @alferdez."

Gabo, the lucky man chosen by the entrepreneur, will be able to choose the country in the world where he wishes to travel with "all expenses paid for two months," as Stendel explained initially.

The success that Stendel achieved did not go down well with the Argentinian government. An Argentinian pro-government channel tried to deny the businessman's claims about his life history and his success in business. However, Stendel did not take long to respond, making a fool of the mercenary journalists who tried to humiliate him.

How did Stendel get such wide reach in the country and anger the government of President Alberto Fernandez and Vice President Cristina Kirchner? Last month, the businessman bought 256 shovels and had them placed around the National Congress to make the deputies "get to work," as he was "fed up" with the fact that Argentinian taxpayers work to "support lazy people." There are 257 legislators in total, but Stendel took care to clarify why he sent only 256 shovels. "I know there are 257 of them. But I didn't send Javier Milei [a libertarian economist who aspires to be president of Argentina] a shovel because fighting lefties is a full-time job," he said.

Recently, the young entrepreneur also undertook an initiative to combat crime in the city of Buenos Aires by sending collaborators to hand out electric prods to subway users. "Survive! If you keep expecting politicians to take care of you, you're in for a treat. The chorros [crooks] are not victims, the victim can always be you," he wrote on a piece of paper that people received with the cattle prod. "What the State does not do, Maurito solves," he expressed on social media.

Stendel is a role model and a demonstration that the American dream is still possible in the United States, despite the economic problems the country is facing at this time. Americans should pay attention to the message of this enterprising Argentine, and any move by his government in the direction of Argentinian populism should be stopped immediately.
