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Hunter's laptop was not "Russian disinformation" and is now a key piece in the trial against the president's son

Trump was right when he warned about the Biden family's business dealings before the 2020 elections.

Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden / Cordon Press.

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When Donald Trump mentioned the information that had been obtained from Hunter Biden's laptop in the last presidential debate of 2020, Democratic candidate Joe Biden called the matter Russian disinformation and a "bunch of garbage." Democrats and the Biden administration denied that this information was true for years. This week, Hunter's laptop was presented by the Prosecutor's Office as one of the main pieces of evidence in the trial against the president's son. Biden and the Democrats lied to win the election.

Four years ago the story of Hunter Biden's so-called "laptop from hell" came to light. The New York Post gave the exclusive by publishing dozens of emails, messages and photos that revealed not only the addictions of Joe Biden's son, who at that time was the Democratic candidate, but also a possible giant influence-peddling scheme involving several members of the Biden family, including the president.

Hunter left the laptop behind at a repair shop, and some of the information stored on it was later published by the Post. Not only did Democrats insist that it was Russian disinformation, but, as investigations by House Republicans have proven, the Biden campaign was instrumental in the document published a few weeks before the election by 51 former intelligence officials in which they stated that the laptop information could be of Russian origin and intended to influence the election.

In reality, those who were influencing the elections were the Democrats, suppressing and censoring laptop information a few weeks before the vote. According to a survey by the Technometrica Institute of Policy and Politics of New Jersey, 79% of Americans believe Trump would have won the election if the truth about Hunter's laptop had been known in time. And 74% said they believed the FBI lied to voters when it talked about disinformation as soon as the news came out of the laptop.

This week we saw the Department of Justice present as key evidence in the case against Hunter the laptop that the president and Democrats accused for years of Russian disinformation. FBI agent Erika Jensen testified that the laptop did belong to Hunter and that there was no evidence that it had been tapped or manipulated in any way.

The laptop is key evidence in the trial being carried out against the president's son for allegedly having lied to buy a firearm and having kept it while under drug use. The Prosecutor's Office has presented as evidence photos and messages obtained from the laptop in which Hunter Biden is seen using crack or stating that he is looking for drugs.

The New York Post publication, based on the information gleaned from the laptop, revealed Hunter's business dealings with partners in Ukraine and China four years ago, which indicate that the president's son had been receiving millionaire sums of money in exchange for the influence that his father had, who at the time the negotiations took place was serving as vice president. Investigations led by different Committees of the House of Representatives suggest that Hunter and several members of the family had created an entire influence peddling scheme.

Four years ago, the mainstream media rushed to actively disseminate the letter of the 51 experts that classified the laptop as Russian disinformation, while ignoring all the photos, messages and documents published by the Post. Today they seem to completely ignore the fact that the device has been presented by the Department of Justice as evidence against Hunter himself, confirming that Trump was absolutely right and that the Democrats lied.

Maybe now, as in 2020, it is not in their best interest for this story to come to light.
