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Argentine police dismantle an Islamist cell planning attacks against the Jewish community

Seven people were arrested in the province of Mendoza. During the raids, weapons and propaganda material against Judaism and Christianity were seized.

Raid against Islamists in ArgentinaX / Ministry of National Security.

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Argentina's Ministry of National Security reported Friday the dismantling of a terrorist organization of Islamist ideology that had planned attacks in the province of Mendoza. According to initial reports, the target of the Islamists was the Argentine Jewish community.

The Argentine police authorities arrested seven members of this terrorist group. According to the Argentine media Infobae, the investigation began as a result of threats received by an Argentine Jewish journalist. As a result of this event, the Prosecutor's Office was able to uncover a radical Islamist cell with intent to kill.

According to the media, during the investigation, they found messages of anti-Christian and anti-Jewish propaganda that the detainees shared through various social networks. They also found plans for attacks against the Western community in Mendoza. The Argentine Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrich, links this group with the terrorists of the Islamic State and the Taliban Emirate of Afghanistan.

Argentina, a target of Islamism

The Argentine nation hosts an important Jewish community among its population. On top of that, Javier Milei's government has taken new steps forward for the full recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

Last June, the Argentine judiciary released a ruling that could well have international impact. Judges Carlos Mahiques, Angela Ledesma and Diego Barroetaveña held Iran responsible for the attack on the AMIA in 1994 and declared it a "terrorist state". The final sentence, of more than 900 pages, clearly speaks of a crime against humanity, so that it could be punished anywhere in the world without time limits.

The attack against the AMIA, which deeply impacted Argentine society, took place on July 18, 1994 in Buenos Aires and targeted the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina, a Jewish community center. Executed as a suicide bombing, a van loaded with a bomb was crashed into the AMIA building and subsequently detonated, killing 85 people and injuring more than 300.