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Mexico's elections live: pro-government Claudia Sheinbaum is projected as the new president

National and international media are already projecting the left-wing candidate as the winner.

la gente hace cola para votar en un colegio electoral en el Centro Cultural Cabañas durante las elecciones generales en Guadalajara, estado de Jalisco, México

(Ulises Ruiz/AFP)

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This Sunday, Mexico is experiencing an unprecedented election day, with more than 98 million people summoned to the polls to renew more than 20,000 public positions. Among the most prominent figures in this race are two women who emerge as clear favorites to reach the presidency, marking a milestone in the country's political history.

The two leading presidential candidates are Claudia Sheinbaum, former head of government of Mexico City between 2018-2024, and former senator and opposition leader Xóchitl Gálvez. Both have the possibility of becoming the first woman to become president of the country.

This electoral process is emerging as a crucial moment to evaluate the current management of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) and his party, the National Regeneration Movement (Morena). Voters will have to decide if they support Sheinbaum, who represents the continuity of the socialist policies implemented by AMLO, or if they prefer to opt for Gálvez, who offers a clear and forceful alternative to the country's current direction.

On the other hand, the third candidate in dispute is Jorge Álvarez Máynez, who represents the Citizen Movement (MC) and seeks to position himself as a different option to the López Obrador government and the traditional opposition parties.

The development of election day

Both national and international media are projecting Claudia Sheinbaum as the winner of the presidential election.

The vote count of the Preliminary Electoral Results Programme is still underway and, as of 10:04 p.m. (local time), Claudia Sheinbaum, the official candidate, leads with 58.5% of the votes, while Xóchitl Gálvez holds on to 29.1%. These results are based on 7% of the tallies counted.

With 3.8% of the tally sheets reviewed, Claudia Sheinbaum maintains her lead with 59.4%, Xóchitl Gálvez with 28.5%, and Jorge Álvarez with 9.4% in last place.

Mexico City's Zocalo is filling with people as projections indicate a lead for Claudia Sheinbaum in her presidential race.

With 1.5% of the precincts counted by the Preliminary Electoral Results Programme, Morena candidate Claudia Sheinbaum leads with 60.2% of the vote. Opposition leader Xóchitl Gálvez has 27.9%, while Jorge Álvarez has 9%.

Mexico City's Zócalo lights up as the election results are awaited.

At 9 p.m. in Mexico, media outlets such as Bloomberg take Claudia Sheinbaum's victory for granted, based on exit polls.

Mario Delgado claimed that Claudia Sheinbaum will be the first woman to occupy the presidency of Mexico, based on the results of her party's exit polls. These statements came shortly after opposition leader Xóchitl Gálvez also proclaimed herself the election winner at a press conference.

The Preliminary Electoral Results Programme (PREP), the tool for collecting, processing and disseminating preliminary voting results in real-time, goes live at 9 p.m. (local time). It is important to note that the results provided by the PREP are not official.

Xóchitl Gálvez declares her alliance as the winner on election day and thanks both the citizens who placed their vote of confidence in her and those who opted for other options. She also called on Andrés Manuel López Obrador to respect the sovereign decision of the Mexican people.

“Life, truth and freedom won,” said the opposition leader.

The opposition alliance made up of the National Action Party (PAN), the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) claimed victory in six of the nine governorships in dispute.

Xóchitl Gálvez arrived at the Presidente Intercontinental hotel to meet with the leaders of her alliance. She asked to be responsible and wait for the votes to be counted.

Mario Delgado, leader of Morena, proclaimed his party's victory in all the states where governorships were being disputed. However, he specified that they would await official results in Guanajuato. So far, there are no official results.

Election day came to a close in approximately twenty states at 6 p.m.

Complaints were reported in Chiapas of alleged harassment by unknown persons breaking into polling stations and instructing voters who to vote for and offering money.

Shootings were reported at polling stations in the central Mexican state of Puebla, where at least two people were killed. As a result of these incidents, authorities were forced to temporarily suspend voting at polling stations in the municipalities of Tlapanalá and Coyomeapan.

Several officials serving as general representatives in the electoral process in Veracruz, Mexico, were detained during the electoral process.

Journalist Eduardo Menoni reported that an attempted vandalism was recorded at a polling station located in a school in Querétaro. Two individuals attempted to disrupt the process, but their attempt was thwarted when they were run over and fled the scene.

Mexico's conservative leader, Eduardo Verástegui, announced that he exercised his right to vote.

Citizens reported problems with the lack of ballots throughout the day in Mexico City.

Voz Media was present in Mexico to report on the electoral process.

The Mexican Consulate in Houston experienced long lines to vote in these elections.

At 12 p.m., the Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE) reported that only 87% of polling stations nationwide were open, and at 1 p.m., eight thousand polling stations had yet to be opened.

The president of Mexico came accompanied by his wife, Beatriz Gutiérrez, to cast his vote.

The opposition presidential candidate, Xóchitl Gálvez, cast her vote and proclaimed: "This is the beginning of a Mexico for all."

Karina Mariani and Víctor Beltrí address the worrying incidences of violence that have marked the electoral landscape in Mexico.

A long line stretched in front of the Mexican Consulate in New York, where Mexican citizens came to exercise their right to vote.
