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Javier Milei meets with Elon Musk once again, this time in Los Angeles, and assures investors that Argentina can be "the new Rome of the 21st century"

The libertarian president and the founder of Tesla held their second meeting in less than a month, in which they talked about technology, mining and artificial intelligence.

¿Gran futuro para Argentina? Lo que se espera de la reunión entre Javier Milei y Elon Musk

Elon Musk junto con Javier Milei, presidente argentino. (Cordon Press)

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met for the first time in mid-April, receiving the world’s attention at the time, whether on social networks or in the press. Recently, the president of Argentina and the founder of Tesla met again at the global investor summit in Los Angeles.

Musk himself was in charge of sharing the photographic evidence on his X account, which he accompanied with the following text: “Great meeting with President Javier Milei.” In the photo also appears Karina Milei, the president’s sister and the general secretary of the Presidency, as well as the Argentine ambassador to the United States, Gerardo Werthein. When Infobae asked about the previous meeting between the two, Werthein assured that it had been “love at first sight.”

Just a few minutes after posting the image, Musk went further and recommended "investing in Argentina", in a publication that surpassed 20 million reproductions on X.

According to Infobae, Milei planned to speak with the magnate about potential investments in the technology and mining sectors, as well as artificial intelligence and its possible connection with economic development.

Argentina has all the conditions to be the new Mecca of the West”

The Argentine president went to Los Angeles to speak at the global investor summit organized by the Milken Institute in Los Angeles.

“I am convinced, without the slightest doubt, that Argentina has all the conditions to be the new Mecca of the West. (...) Help me, you, who personify human progress incarnate, to make Argentina the new Rome of the 21st century. To make Argentina a land of opportunities for all those who are willing to inhabit our land,” he expressed.

In turn, Milei referred to the excess of statism that led to his country’s stagnation in recent years, referring to the concept of “social justice.”

“In some sense, we Argentines are prophets of an apocalyptic future that we have already experienced. All these discussions today, based on good intentions to want to help others, based on an erroneous idea about the nature and function of the State, sustained by economic theories that have been largely refuted by data and empirical evidence, We Argentines have lived them for a hundred years and unfortunately, they were listened to,” he added.

The future elite of the West at odds with its own culture”

The president of Argentina also dedicated a few words to the wave of antisemitic protests in American universities, which he strongly condemned.

“As a civilization, having seen what we are capable of, we are choosing to distrust our own ability, deny our own virtue, our own identity, and commit what is, clearly, collective suicide. Today, already too late in some places, we see with horror the fruits that these ideas are beginning to bear. For example, this week right here in the United States, with tens of thousands of young people across university campuses, claiming Islamic terrorism and promoting antisemitism. Literally, the future elite of the West at odds with its own culture,” he stated.
