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Orbán, Farage, Zemmour and Braverman protest the sabotaging of their international conservative conference

The police attempted to cancel the event. Although the schedule continued, several attendees were prevented from entering.

La policía impidiendo la entrada a la Natcon en Bruselas


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The National Conservatism Conference reported that police in Brussels arrived at the event with an order to shut down the event. Authorities claimed that the decision was made to avoid public disturbances. However, the conference insisted that it is a peaceful event.

People such as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, French leader Eric Zemmour and former Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki had confirmed their attendance to the conference.

Although apparently the event went on as scheduled, the conference indicated, "The police are not letting anyone in. People can leave, but they cannot return. Delegates have limited access to food and water, which are being prevented from delivery. Is this what city mayor [Emir Kir] is aiming for?"

Meanwhile, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán criticized the act and argued that it is an attempt to violate freedom of speech. "I guess they couldn’t take free speech any longer. The last time they wanted to silence me with the police was when the Communists set them on me in ‘88. We didn’t give up then and we will not give up this time either!" wrote Orbán on X.

Similar were the comments of French leader Eric Zemmour, who posted a video showing how police blocked entry to the event:

At this very moment, the socialist mayor Emir Kir, close to Turkish Islamists, is using the police as a private militia to ban the Brussels conference to which I am invited together with Viktor Orban and Nigel Farage.

British politician and Brexit booster Nigel Farage argued that "what just happened in Brussels this afternoon was a disgrace. For the Mayor and police to shut down a peaceful political event makes me more convinced of Brexit than ever."

Meanwhile, several leftists scoffed at what happened. For example, members of the Labour Party in the United Kingdom made fun of the police locking the doors at the conservative event.

NatCon, as its website explains, brings together public figures, journalists, academics and students who "understand that the past and future of conservatism are inextricably tied to the idea of the nation, to the principle of national independence, and to the revival of the unique national traditions that alone have the power to bind a people together and bring about their flourishing."

The National Conservatism Conference is a project of the Edmund Burke Foundation, a public affairs institute founded in January 2019 with the goal of strengthening the principles of national conservatism in the West and other democratic countries.
