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Israel confirms the possibility of striking Iran in the event of a direct attack

Following the bombing of the Iranian consulate in Damascus, the Islamist regime threatened to attack Israeli territory head-on.

Imagen de archivo del ayatolá Ali Jamenei, líder supremo de Irán, durante una reunión en Irán en 2018.

(Wikimedia Commons)

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Iran's Islamist regime once again raised its threats against Israel this Wednesday. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei publicly reiterated his intentions to directly retaliate to the air attack against the Iranian consulate in Damascus.

In a speech on the occasion of the end of Ramadan, Ayatollah Khamenei assured that Israel "must be punished and will be punished." He alluded directly to the bombing of the consulate in Syria, which killed Mohamed Reza Zahedi, the leader of the highest-ranking Iranian forces in Syria and Lebanon. The regime, which held official mourning for those killed in the attack, considers that the bombing of its diplomatic mission amounts to an attack against its territory.

Although Israel did not acknowledge being behind the attack, Iran directly accused the Jewish state. When the Zionist regime attacks an Iranian consulate in Syria, it is as if it has attacked Iranian soil. That malicious regime has made a false step," added Islamist leader Khamenei.

Israel confirms the possibility of striking in Iran

The Israeli government's response came from Foreign Minister Israel Katz, who addressed Iran in Persian. "If Iran attacks from its territory, Israel will react and attack in Iran," Minister Katz wrote on social media.

The exchange between both governments arises after Western security sources assured the Saudi newspaper Elaph that this scenario could occur. These sources maintained that, in the event of a direct attack by Iran, Israel would respond with attacks against Iranian territory. It was confirmed that the Israeli air forces have prepared with exercises to attack key positions in Iran. The report speaks of "Iranian nuclear facilities and other key infrastructure."

How would Iran attack?

The scenarios in which Iran attacks Israel head-on are uncertain. The Shiite Islamist regime did not specify how it could carry out its retaliation against Israel for the attack on the Damascus consulate. North American intelligence sources assured CNN Tuesday that an attack through Iran's proxies is a more likely option than a direct attack.

It wouldn't be due to lack of capacity. The Iranian armed forces has missiles with the capacity to hit Israel. The Islamist regime has made efforts in recent years to show off its military resources with propaganda videos, as well as with launch drills. According to Iran Watch, a U.S.-based project that monitors Iran's ballistic capabilities, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has nearly 3,000 ballistic missiles with an accurate range of up to 1,242 miles. The distance between the interior of Iran and the beaches of Tel-Aviv is less than 700 miles.
